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So I'm not dead

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It's a fact! I'm still very much alive. I'm just tired and kind of run down from working long days and running around like an idiot, for said work. It's all good though, since apparently my bosses have noticed and it's gotten me a 1.50/ hr raise. Unfortunately though, word spreads like wildfire about these things, and some of the other inspectors found out about it. I don't think anyone's made at ME per se, but it's understandable why people would be asking "where's mine?". It's a strange little situation, because I know that some guys are hurting, and the extra cash would definitely help anyone. At the same time, a lot of those guys are making way more money than me, but I didn't ask for the raise, it was just given to me. Money is money though, and I'll take it.

Other than that, things are going pretty well. After the condom incident, I wound up untagging all of my pics with my ex on facebook. A few days later, she texted me asking why I did it. I didn't respond. That same day, I wound up passing my inspector test (certified in inspecting structural steel and bolts! Woo!), and posting a status saying I was a wizard (quasi inside joke). The next night, I got a text from her friend, saying that I wasn't a wizard. I ignored that one as well. Next thing I know, my ex defriended me, so that takes care of that. I'm not mad at her, but I find the whole situation pretty funny. It's just funny though, how everyone I know basically decided that she was horrible for me, and decided to tell me immediately after the breakup. I guess that taught me something. I can't say that I miss her, because I don't.

Otherwise, everything's going pretty well. I wound up getting a little too drunk for a Thursday last night, and that wasn't good. I almost got into a conversation with a girl who my friend was convinced with a tranny, because he didn't like the way her nose looked. He was convinced it was a nose job, which somehow correlated to her being a dude. Being a few beers deep, I figured it'd be a good idea to try to strike up a conversation with her, but it didn't happen, seeing as she left when I went to take a leak. I was curious though, but really not curious enough to go any further than simple conversation.

And that's my life so far.

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  1. Lacquer Head's Avatar
    I'm not even going to ask why you're wearing inflatable thingies on your arms in your profile pic...but I assume it involves what you're drinking lol YAY BEER
  2. Pete's Avatar
    Haha it was for a beerfest party we had in college. I was on team Somalia, being a pirate (hence the piratey getup). To make it funnier, I added the water wings
  3. Dodie16's Avatar
    Pete for best dressed TFFer!

    Congrats on the raise, and you're a better person than I for keeping your ex in your contacts for so long, and trying to keep things amicable between you two. I'm one of those that just like to have a clean break from someone after a split. Sorry things on her end got a little bitter and petty (condom call...wat...), it seems. :/
  4. Pete's Avatar
    Thanks Dodie! Yeah, it kind of sucks, just because there was no reason for it, and the breakup was pretty mutual and amicable for what it was. There wasn't one single incident where it just HAD to end, but more of a drifting apart. I never saw the need for her to be petty about such things, even if it was just a ploy to make me jealous. But I guess she showed her true colors, and I think at least everything on my end is going pretty well right now.