It's Been Far Too Long
, 11-28-2013 at 11:51 AM (2730 Views)
It certainly been a while since I posted here.Hopefully y'all will be up to speed by time I'm done here.
Well first off, me and Shanann did get married. September 14 is when we sealed the deal. It's been going pretty steady but, (advice) relationships don't change that much when your married but the arguments get more intense. Wish she could see that if we worked together on what she's trying to articulate in her process of "happy family" instead of subliminally stringing me to act (instead of just say what you expect so I can do it on my OWN perspective). Just now tried to kink it out and she's pretty much brick wall at this point. Meh, round 2 later on is coming sooner or later, whenever she's intent on
I've also started a website (well a 3 page one). I joined this membership forum (sound familiar?) and have been under his study for about close to 2 months now. He's a really good mentor and helped me step-by-step to get my web pages up. I just pay $19 a month to be a member and there's all kinds of classes that he sets up the community with and I feel pretty confident that I can start making money from home once I get off the " information overload " wagon. The last two things I have to do now is learn how to work OptimizePress Lite to change how my web pages look and bring traffic to it! I'm still excited about actually making from home.
Another hobby I picked up is making instrumentals for songs. My homeboy (Mike G) put me onto it and I'm learning. I actually got around to the point I made my 1st instrumental! I was so hype that I actually got to figure out the 2nd half (acapella's, piano notes (some), splicing, looping) of what I loved to do and being a rap artist is my 1st. God, where would this world be without music?
I've been striving to get some gaming in (Y'all KNOW) and trying to stick to one game so I can actually get progression in at least one aside from spreading my gameplay to other genres and series. I've got a couple on my list to take down and I've actually been doing a good job. RE Director's Cut, 2, 3, Tekken 2, Pokémon (series in general starting from gen 1), FF VII (so I can freshen up my knowledge on it), Devil May Cry (1-3). I'm trying now to just stick to one but family duties & a wife tends to deter me from that.
So that's really all I've been currently up to guys. OH! I did FINALLY get my other half of my enlistment bonus, but it flew out the wind not long when November started. Yeah, and even then I didn't get majority of what I needed done. Figure that? Well hopefully once I get the determination to get back on tweaking my website out, I can start feeling optimistic about who/what I'll be before my subconscious implodes under my own stupor of grievance.
Well, I hope this was a good read for you guys. Bout to get some stress off my head by taking some mj to the head, ya dig. Thanks for reading TFF fam, out...