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MY Top 10-I mean 11 Songs from FF6 List

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Cuz I'm uncreative and I like to copy Kaz. EDIT: Changed from top 10 to top 11 when I remembered Devil's Lab but didn't want to remove The Day After.

11. The Day After Sad, yet pretty. Kind of tells a tale like, "Yes, bad shit happened, but you gotta continue on anyway. The world isn't going to hold your hand. Mouths still have to be fed."

10. Slam Shuffle This theme often pops into my head when I'm walking in the rain, heh.

9. Kefka's Theme Theme to my favorite villain in an FF game. Love how it builds from the simple beginning.

8. Metamorphosis Holy crap, what's going on? SPOILERS.

7. Save Them! Save 'em guys! Epic, happy sounding, good times.

6. Floating Continent I used to have a CD with this on it. It was a lot of fun. I especially love the note that drops at the beginning. Reminds me of Enchanted Forest.

5. The Airship Blackjack A fun theme, and a fitting one for flying around in an airship to.

4. Devil's Lab Because bad ass. Also using the original because no cover can ever touch.

3. Dancing Mad Yeah, I love this theme. So many changes, so much going on. Lots of fun.

2. Celes' Theme Everyone loves the Opera Scene. I mostly love it for this one particular part of that scene, however, and the following scenes with it in it. It's a sad theme, but a pretty theme.

1. Terra's Theme The song I think of when I think of this game. It has a certain sorrowful, yet epic tone to it. I love it.


Wuv, Yer Mom

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Updated 05-21-2013 at 08:29 PM by Taco-Calamitous



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