*Les Sigh* Back Again...
, 06-25-2013 at 08:58 PM (5105 Views)
**** me. I don't want to be here. I want to be home still. Got back in this afternoon. It was a fun trip, just long enough to remind me of all the things I miss and then yank them away from me again. Family and friends, the world that I grew up in, good beers, weather that doesn't melt me... heh. Damn it, why does Arkansas have to be so far from Oregon?! Doesn't help that Julie can't be on the internet right now either. Sorry for the emo, but I'm feeling pretty depressed right about now.
Did a lot of fun stuff. First day, my parents picked me up from the airport and we went and ate lunch with my older bro. Drove down I-5 to Albany, and it was all overcast and sprinking and stuff (typical Oregon weather, heh.) We got home, I ate dinner with my parents, then went and saw some of my friends; in particular, the ones who are watching my cat. It was nice, because she was much friendlier to me than she had been the last time I saw her; she walked over to me and rubbed on me and purred and stuff. She must've just been mad at me last time for leaving her or something.
Anyhoo, on Friday night, my friend threw a party because I was in town, and I got to play my music for everyone and play board games and stuff with people and catch up. There was also a bonfire in the back yard, and lots of beer to be had. That night, there was even the rare occasion that I stayed awake until after midnight!
Saturday, I went back up to Portland and hung out with my brother, his family, and a couple people who were visiting him. We drove around Portland and went to various stores and restaurants, including an ice cream store that sold beer flavored ice cream (I had stout ice cream. It didn't taste like stout. It was good though.) When it was time to go, I experienced my first "Good Bye" of the trip, one of many. I drove back down and went to the first part of my High School Reunion. It was in this billiards hall turned club, and... there really wasn't as good a turnout as I would've hoped, but all my friends from my class that I still hang out with were there, so we had a good time, and also I talked to a few people hadn't seen in years. Then a deejay came on, and the first song he played was one that I made a facebook posting about, saying that I hope they don't play THAT song. So I physically left the building in protest, then came back after I thought the song would be done, and requested he play Foo Fighters or Weezer or anything BUT Usher, lol. And he played ONE Foo Fighters song, and then went back to the hip hop. We all left early and went to Denny's.
The next day was the second part of the Reunion, the family picnic. Again, not a strong showing. My friends were there again, though, and I got to go down by the water and walk one of the foresty trails around Albany (walked a bit of one on Thursday when I got in too.) After that, I went back to the friend's house who was watching my cat and drank the last of my beers. Which there were still a few of, and also drew some comic strips like I haven't in years. We hung out there until the evening, and then moved to a different house where we played a game called "Cards Against Humanity," because my friends knew I'd love it. We played that until I started falling asleep, and then everyone started leaving and saying "Good Bye." More good byes, because I had to hang out with family the next day.
So I went with my parents on Monday to see a very elderly aunt and uncle who are now in a nursing home. It was good that I saw them, although it makes me a little sad to see them like that. Also while on this visit, my dad was starting to show how much of an old man he's become, haha. He's getting really crotchety and ornery, heh. Like, that stage of old person where they're starting to excuse bad behavior for being old, a little. Although I'm starting to wonder how much longer he has... Anyway, my grandma and my godmother came over to visit after this, and they talked and talked about old people stuff that I had no interest in, even though they were there to see me, heh. So I walked down the road to my aunt and uncle's for a minute to invite them, and took in the sights around my neighborhood (there's a field with horses right across the road from us.) Eventually my sister, brother in law, and their kids showed up, along with my other brother. Had a little visit with them, and then they all left too.
So it was down to the last night, and I didn't want to go to bed, so I stayed up and talked to Julie for a bit. Then went to bed and got up at 2:45 am so I could catch a 6:15 flight... and I almost didn't make it. My mom took a wrong turn, drove 5 or more minutes before she could turn around, and then we finally got back to where we were supposed to be like 15 minutes later. A lady helped me get my tickets and my bag checked in, and when I went through customs, some guy just cut right in front of me and I turned to my mom ( who was still there watching me) and threw my hands up in exasperation. But I got through, and right on time for my flight to be checking people in... except I saw a different flight which was leaving a half hour later and thought it was mine for some reason, so I went back to wave good bye to my parents because we had to rush to get me through and I didn't really get to say good bye to them very wellBut then I realized "Maybe that wasn't the right flight," and I got back, got on the plane, and spent all day flying... yay...
And now it's the evening and I don't want to go to bed. I don't want to go back to this, but I know I have to. Probably gonna be emo at least until the weekend when I get to see Julie again. Also, my flight was cancelled, so I lost half a day at home, but it probably wasn't that big a difference in the long run, I suppose... *sigh* Just gotta keep going I guess. Eventually things will be better. At least this wasn't as depressing as going back to Tech School from Exodus. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom