So how's life?
, 04-21-2013 at 02:14 PM (1286 Views)
I continue to exist, as you might well imagine. I think my last journal entry was on New Year's Eve. Since then I've graduated from Tech School and moved on to my first duty station. Going back to Sheppard after a week and a half at home WAS really rough; I was really depressed when I first got back. I walked around base, and everything just looked colorless and dead. And they didn't even give us the night to settle back in; we had a GI Party the night we got back, which technically should've still been a part of our leave. The next day everyone's room was inspected, which no one was expecting, and a whole lot of people failed their room inspections... but my roommate and I passed somehow. That cheered me up a little bit. And I continued on in tech school. The rules got more strict, and I couldn't wait until I got out of there. Towards the end, I was accused by my MTL of lying about something, and that really shook and bothered me. Couldn't sleep that night. But of course, I wasn't lying, and therefore didn't get in trouble (although I think he still thought I was lying due to something he said at the next floor meeting, which pissed me off.) But I got out of there! I do miss my friends from Tech School, but not Sheppard or my squadron.
Julie and her family came and got me, drove me 5 hours to their home. It was pretty much my favorite Valentine's Day in memory. We then went to my base, and first my sponsor, then my supervisor were unavailable to come get me, but one of the supervisors came and led us around the base. I met my first shirt, got my room set up, and then I left to spend Friday and Saturday with Julie and her family. Stayed at the Peabody in a suite. It was really nice. Then the next day, she and her family left, and I was a little disappointed because I thought they were staying until Sunday, but eh.
Turned out that my old roommate is down the hall from me in the dorms. That's pretty cool. He gave me a big hug when he saw me, heh. And then I met everyone else in our office... and I learned that operational Air Force is a lot more chill than when you're in Basic and Tech School. Everyone in my office is really awesome; my first supervisor reminded me of a friend back home, and it was pretty much him being a Staff Sergeant that kept me from treating him like my buddy back home, heh. He's gone, and I have my new supervisor who's fresh from ADLS, and he's just as chill. Even the two first shirts I've had are just like normal bosses. They expect you to do your job, and they will remind you of that, but neither of them seem really fussy about rules and regulations.
I've been back to see Julie twice. The first time was after I'd been here for over a month because I lacked a car at first, and at FTAC they would've wanted me to fill out some paperwork before I could go, and at first I was worried about getting lost. Not worried anymore. Every weekend I go there is my favorite weekend, but whenever I come back I'm depressed that night and the next morning, heh. We just need to hurry up and get married I think... or not. Maybe we should wait it out a little bit until I have some money saved up or something. We'll see how that goes. She is my favorite though :3 Also, I found a pretty cool church to go to on Saturday nights. They want me to come Sunday mornings too, but I haven't been able to find the motivation to go too far on a Sunday morning yet. Also they have a Bible study on Tuesday nights that I've been to once, but due to the fact that as of a couple weeks ago my job has me coming in at 6 AM instead of 7:30, I didn't go last week. Also because after I got off work that day, I started drinking, heh... I should probably cut back on that somehow. I have a little in the past week. I do think it probably requires a better diet too though, and more exercise, even though I've been lifting weights regularly now.
Also, there's this new kid who recently arrived. He was in the room next door to me while I was there. He.... still gives reporting statements, still marches around, has a large ego, says really stupid shit, and gets really defensive when anyone tries to correct him. I find myself getting really frustrated and annoyed with him at times, especially after something he said this past week that I won't repeat. He's gotten in trouble already a couple times. I'm not sure if that did anything to him or not. After squadron pt this friday when everyone was leaving, he called himself to attention, and then forward marched himself back to his room. My supervisor and I shared a glance and shook our heads.
But yeah; I need to get my PT up. I took a mock PT test in FTAC, didn't do very well. My pushups have gotten back up, but I don't ever seem to work on my situps, and my running has been recessing since basic. If prayer is your thing, that would be appreciated. I do seem to be coming along in learning my job, thoughAnyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom