Greatest Cat Videos of ALL TIME
, 05-15-2013 at 04:59 PM (2049 Views)
Now that I've made a Top 10 Characters, Songs, and CT Songs list, it is time for me to do some bullshit again. I'm gonna post like 10 videos with cats in them, they'll be pretty awesome probably. I like 'em all anyway if they're here. **** you.
10. Feistiest Felines/My Cat From Hell. Evil kitties are funny.
9. Cat self-attack. This cat is intelligent.
8. Cat In A Shark Costume Chases a Duck While Riding A Roomba. Very specific title that describes the majority of the video... except that there's also a dog in a shark costume!
7. Cat Wheel by Richard Norton. Just a rather clever idea that should be implemented on more lazy ass kitties.
6. Cat gets caught barking by a human and resumes meowing. Sully cat, you were already caught! Your cover is blown! Best to escape through the window, recuperate, and start your mischief anew elsewhere!
5. An Engineer's Guide to Cats. An egghead's humorous explanation of cats and how to take care of them. Also cat yodeling.
4. I'm a Stupid Cat! Gotta credit Miss Dodie for finding this one :3 This is just an awesome song about the typical life of a house cat.
3. Shii's Song (Wind's Nocturne). This was a pretty popular flash animation back in the day, if I know what I'm talking about. I liked it anyway. Good enough to spawn this in any case.
2. Cats in Space. I like how the cats obviously don't give a damn about what's happening around them. There was a making of video too that explains that they couldn't get the cats to meow, so they gave them some damn food or another. I can't be arsed remember what.
1. Welcome to Cat City. What the hell is even going on? I have no clue, and that's a common theme of cyriak videos. Melding things together in a way that they shouldn't be melded together in an unsettling style of animation, set to bizarre music. Of COURSE this would be my number one! :3 Also, it's got cats... or like one cat used to create all of the cat... things. Meow Mix is also pretty awesome.
Anyway, this is not a very inclusive list, and I cheated in a few places. Oh well. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom