Top 10 Chrono Trigger Songs
, 04-24-2013 at 04:00 PM (1445 Views)
Because Kaz said he'd like to see my list. I don't know if I can find as interesting of compositions as he did, but we'll see or some damn thing.
10. Ayla's Theme. Start this list off with a kick in the ANUS.
9. Frog's Theme, remixed by a fellow named DJ H3L10S. ...this version annoys me too, but I like the artist's stupid name, so I'm not going to find another one.
8. Schala's theme, from some project or another.
7. Undersea Palace remix by a dude who tried to stay as close as possible. At times I admire that.
6. Robo's Theme. I never used him, but I love his Rick Rollin' theme :3
5. Battle with Magus. I can never find a version of this that particularly satisfies me. Here's some damn remix with guitars and shit.
4. Boss Battle Theme 2, in its original form because all the remixes annoyed me.
3. Main Theme, Fully Orchestrated. Oooooooooh JAM, the nostalgia!
2. World Revolution. A totally bitchin' guitar version or something.
1. Memories of Green, covered on piano. This is number one for me because it is always the first song that comes to mind when I think of Chrono Trigger. It is subdued and nostalgic, seeming to recall times past from its world. I suppose it does its name justice then, eh?
Okay, I'm late to meet with a buddy and eat steak. Better get goin'. Anyhoo...
Wuv, YEr Mom
EDIT: Awww ****, I forgot about Black Omen!