Greatest Characters OF ALL TIME *SPOILERS*
, 04-29-2013 at 09:26 PM (3208 Views)
Julie and I were watchin' NC's top 10 favorite characters of all time list the other week, and she was like, "You should make a list!" And I was like "too lazy." But then I was like "hmm... maybe not too lazy." So here we are. To be honest though, a lot of my favorite characters are my own characters... but I probably won't list them. Seems too self indulgent. Instead, here are The Greatest Characters OF ALL TIME... that don't include creations by yours truly
10. A tie between Liberty Prime and Krystal
One is here purely because of sex appeal, and the other because although he is a robot, he has the most awesome lines, and he is a bad ass to boot. Krystal had a cooler character design in Star Fox Adventures, and her original premise was kind of a cool idea, but mostly she's here because she has an attractive accent and also attractive other things that make young boys turn furry. Liberty Prime is barely a character, but I love him anyway. Death is a preferable alternative to communism, after all!
9. Babs Bunny
I dunno, I look back at the cartoon she is from, and I think it inspired me a lot in my drawings. And if I took my favorite character from that cartoon, she is definitely it. Hyperactive and kawaii, but honestly my favorite of her was when she was put in stressful situations, like when she had to babysit or when Buster was continually getting her wet in How I Spent My Summer Vacation. She has great reactions to those stressors, heh.
8. Kaneda
What a fuggin' punk. And I love him for it <3 I saw Akira around the time that I was first being introduced to punk rock and other alternative music (as well as it being the first anime movie I ever saw that I knew was anime) so he kind of turned into my prototype punk character. Particularly the dub where he's voiced by Leonardo, though I also like the one where he's voiced by Ichigo. Also, I will always love his badass jacket, his badass bike, and that badass laser cannon he finds at the end of the movie. The comic is way different btw, but both versions are pretty damn awesome (even if the comic does celebrate Japan's xenophobic tendencies at the end, lolol.)
7. Pinkie Pie
lol, I adore this character. Possibly more than she deserves, which is why she isn't higher on this list, because I know it. Aside from a few instances, she is a bit of a one-dimensional character. However, she makes up for that to me with her randomness and silliness. Also, the instances where she shows character development, she shows a very vulnerable, sweet little girl who needs hugs, imo. So yeah, she can be mo too (although probably not as mo as Fluttershy.) Of course, possibly my favorite episode of hers is when she meets Cranky Doodle Donkey. They almost have a grumpy grandpa/hyperactive granddaughter type of relationship going on, and I adore it. Also when she's so stressed by babysitting that she starts crying, it's adowable.
6. Princess Sally Acorn
Of all the Sonic characters, my favorites were the girls. And Tails. But Sally is my favorite, period. It wasn't always that way-I think either Sonic himself, Tails, or Bunnie were originally my favorite-but Sally represents an old era. She represents the Sonic Saturday Morning Cartoon Show, and Archie Sonic (or what it's supposed to be, not what it is now). She's a very strong female character, both in her intelligence and in her physical traits, although she uses her brains more than her brawn. I really admire that in her character, and also, I've always liked her relationship with Sonic (aside from the time her character was derailed and she slapped him, ending the relationship.) Now Antoine's in a coma, Bunnie's deroboticized completely and has run off, Rotor can't be an active freedom fighter anymore, and Sal... Sal is Dr. "Eggman's" (Robotnik) finest robian weapon, and I don't know if the current writer plans on bringing her back; seems like the comic is trying to blend itself into the game's storyline, and I'm not a fan of that. But I'll remember Sally as she was; a badass freedom fighter and leader of the rebellion.
5. Deadpool
King of random and breaking the fourth wall, Deadpool is my all time favorite comic book character. Moreso than Batman, moreso than The Joker, moreso than Morph, Wolverine, etc. His comics are hilarious, and it's entirely because of him. Whenever they try to do something without him, the result is "meh." Insanity is one of my favorite traits, and he's got that in spades. I dunno what else to say. What would be amazing is if he and Pinkie Pie somehow met...
4. Kefka Palazzo
Yes, there is an updated version of him, but this is how I prefer to remember this little asshole. Kefka was a bastard. He started out as this annoying sub boss. Then he poisoned Doma. Then he sucked the life force out of several espers. Then he killed General Leo. Then he refused to die after being run through the stomach. Then he destroyed the world. Lived as a king to the ruins, built a monument to nothing. I wanted to kill the fucker so bad. ...and then, at the end, I realized what a good job he did at being a villain. He caused me to genuinely hate him for a time, yet on further study, he had some great dialogue too. Some of it was pretty damn comedic, while most of it did a great job of painting him as an absolute madman with a terrifying amount of power. It's no wonder he's my favorite Final Fantasy Villain, and favorite villain of all time, period. Or is he...?
She was a triumph. I'm making a note here, huge success. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction at what an amazing character she was. And she was pretty much just a disembodied voice for most of both games, although at one point she is a potatoHowever, that disembodied voice is one amazing voice. Clever, sarcastic, even sessy at times (as sessy as an AI can be... I think I have issues. First Krystal, now THIS.) She has some of my favorite dialogue ever, and at the end, she semi redeems herself. At least acknowledges kind of what an evil conscience she is. Plus, she sings two of the most awesome pop songs in a video game ever.
2. Fox McCloud
It was really hard not to put him as my number one, but... why? He doesn't have much of a personality. Mostly he's just a typical heroic type hero guy who saves the day and is confident in his own abilities no matter what. Not a lot of conflict there. Impatience and dorkiness are added a little in Adventures and Assault (mostly Assault) but my favorite version of him is from Smash where none of that is apparent. He's just the confident hero guy in those. But he's such a badass when he's the confident hero guy. Also, he's a fox, and I have this thing for foxes wherein I think they are the best thing ever. So yeah.
1. Gandalf
Gandalf is an amazing character. Written by an even more amazing author. He has some of my favorite quotes this side of Jesus Christ or John whom Jesus loved. He is a wise character written by a very wise man, and also a humorous character. He is also a bad ass character, but he seldom uses that badassery unless it is absolutely needed. His roll is to counsel the world in finding its direction. He is not there to save the day for you; he is there to show you the way until you are ready to take over yourself. And then when it's time, he leaves. But he's left his mark on the world, and it's a wonderful mark indeed. I love him :3
...that's it. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom