The times they are a-changin'
, 10-05-2012 at 10:44 AM (1202 Views)
So I've been a little bit inactive lately, sorry guys. I'm very very busy right now and hopefully soon I'm going to be even busier as I've been job hunting again. Not very much luck yet but I don't really have a right to complain. My friend Sarah and I have applied for the same position in a Next clothing shop, I'm hoping we both get hired because I think it'll be great if we could work together. I think it'd be better if she got the job, though. The shop is two long bus rides away from me, but Sarah can drive so it's a bit more convenient for her. Not that I'd turn it down on account of a couple of bus rides or anything.
I've taken Performing Arts this year as well as Psychology. So right now I'm doing those two alongside Art and Photography and Welsh BAQ, too. Next month I'll be taking two different Performing Arts classes, though. I wanted to be in the We Will Rock You production and the only way I can is if I join the other class, too. So all in all, I'm taking six subjects as opposed to a measly three like last year. I've got mah work cut out for me!
I'm auditioning for the part of Scaramouche, wooo! For those of you who aren't familiar, she's the main female lead. My drama teacher told me that she thinks I'd be ideal for the part, so that was lovely of her. I'm so bloody excited, ahh!
I have to prepare between 4-6 monologues for my class and then record them in time for Easter. I've got a Lady Macbeth monologue on my list already, I just need to find some others. I looked at some of the Vagina Monologues (har har har) but unfortunately the only ones I liked were over three minutes long so I canny do them >.< I was going to try and find one that I could a foreign accent with because it'd be fun. Obviously an accent I can actually do lol.
It's been a lot of fun doing drama again. I've really really missed it. Right now I'm doing Uncle Vanya by Chekhov, it's not the most interesting play I've ever read but I'm enjoying it. I'm kind of pissed off though because sixth formers aren't allowed to have singing lessons anymore so I won't be able to finish my exams unless I hire a private tutor. Maybe if I get a job I'll hire one but right now I can't afford it.
I've also decided to start my driving lessons once I get a job. I've been putting it off for long enough now and it's high time I just grew a ballsack, sucked it up and got over my fear. I just have a big stigma about it for some reason, the thought of driving freaks the living shit out of me. I have a crazy fear that the instructor will turn to me after the first lesson is over and say "I think it's important that you never be allowed behind the wheel of a car ever again." lol
I'm halfway through A Storm of Swards part 2. I'm loving this series. I can't even. Ugh, it's brill. I've gotten my parents into the show as well. You can imagine how awkward it was watching it with my dad. D: lmao.
I've been using my cross-trainer a lot, I try and go on there three times a week for at least half an hour. Hopefully soon I'll start to see some results.
That's about it for me. Can't really think of much else.
G'day to ye all,