Little update on little ol' me
, 11-13-2012 at 04:36 PM (1569 Views)
So hello! A little update since me last entry. I'm really tired right now so I'm probably going to rush this, but I feel like venting/celebrating before I go to sleep, so... that's what I'm doing!
I just got home from drama club a little while ago, aaaand it was a good session for the most part but I feel like there are going to be repercussions. First off, let me explain. I got the part of Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, which is [I]exciting.[/I] But one of my sort-of friends really, really wanted the part and now I feel like she may be a bitch about it because I got it. I do feel quite bad, because I didn't even intend on going for it. And I don't mean that in an up-my-own-butt way. I knew that my friend wanted it, and from past experience she usually gets whatever part she wants so I didn't even think to try out for it. But last week I was asked to read for the part, so I did. This week, Amy (my friend) asked if she could read for it, to which they said yes, and then at the end they told us I'd gotten it.
I feel bad. But happy at the same time. It's an awkward situation, there was an awkward atmosphere afterwards lol. Oh well. I was considering giving up the part because I don't want to create a rift between us, but then I changed my mind. Call me a bitch, but it's my last year before I leave for uni and I really want to get in as much experience as I can, so if that means bruising the ego of a minor acquaintance then so be it. I used to hate the cow anyway.
Oh my, bitchy Halie is coming out. xD
But really, though, I spent the majority of my high school life giving in to this girl because it was her way or no way at all, and I didn't want to lose her as a friend. But I just really don't give a shit about that anymore. I know that sounds mean, but I won't even know her this time next year (I'll be in uni, I hope). If she was right for the part, she would've gotten it. I'm improving now, and I wanna keep improving, but that's not going to happen if I let someone like her make me feel bad when I didn't do anything wrong. At least, I don't feel like I've done anything wrong. Have I? I dunno, maybe I'm just toughening up and becoming a hard-faced cow? I hope not, lol. I think I've just grown up a bit.
In other acting news, I hope we'll be getting our We Will Rock You parts on Thursday. It'll be the first rehearsal, so maybe not. I'm ready to audition, though. I've been ready for weeks, I'm so bloody excited!
In other general news, I have an iPhone now. I finally caved in and got one. I've always been a bit snotty when it comes to smartphones, I'm one of those people who tends to really not give a shit about phones in general. But this phone... I can't even put it down. It's so addictive. Goddamn you, Apple!
I'm in good health, friends and family are all in good health. All is well. Just constantly tired and stressed from work over-load, unfortunately. But could be a lot worse, so I won't complain. I'm close to finding all five of me uni choices, and I've enlisted the help of the lovely Martin with my personal statement (thanks, Mart xD).
I'm going to bed now, have a lovely day/night