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G'day you little shits

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So I'm sat here a-waiting for some clothes to dry at 8:30am, and I haven't been to sleep yet unfortunately but hey, that's what happens when most of your courses finish at school and your sleeping pattern gets ****ed. I'm going to get my first tattoo today, aahhhh. Nervous. My appointment is at 11 so I'm just trying to pass time until then. Kris is coming in with me, thank ****. I have no idea what to expect, I'm a wee bit frightened of needles. But it'll be alright, I can do this! Lol.

It was my birthday two weeks ago, it was alright. Bit of a shit day tbh, had a bit of a fallout with one of my mates. But I did get an amazing Game of thrones cake from my friends, homemade and all. It was brilliant.

Oh and I can't remember if I updated since my audition, but either way, I didn't get in unfortunately but I wasn't at all surprised. The school was waaaay out of my league, haha. So it's hopefully off to Exeter for me come September, as that's my second choice. I just need three A's (fml). >_>

Have a lovely day,

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  1. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
    Tattoos hurt. I'm sorry. They just do. My bf is a tattoo artist and gave me a plain "P" on my foot. It tickled the first time 'cuz he didn't dig the needle in deep enough the first time. He had to go back and re-do it over the weekend. It hurt. I didn't cry, but it hurt.

    hehe. Sorry. My bad. Just forewarning you. What're you getting btdubs?
  2. Yoko's Avatar
    I could visit you in Exeter.....or you can visit the place I visit when I visit the UK.
  3. loaf's Avatar
    I want to visit the UK.
  4. Rowan's Avatar
    Tattoos hurt if you have to sit for a long time. Its the skin irritation that can make it somewhat unbearable, depending on your threshold. longest I managed to sit was 5 hours for my arm and 3 hours for my chest. Youll be right.
  5. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Pics or it didn't happen.

    Also, tattoos don't hurt.
    The burning of the friction from the needle running in and out of your skin CAN hurt, but it's usually only bad over bone or tendon. Meaty areas are okay.
  6. Halie's Avatar

    Well, it didn't really hurt that much because it's only small and very simple/basic, but that's what I wanted and I'm happy with it, so. It's just above my ribs/below my armpit.

    As ya'll probably know, it's the symbol from FFX (no judging, you little shits). It only took him about 25 minutes to do, so it really wasn't bad, only hurt a little bit. I think I got myself too worked up and expected it to be really, really horrible because I don't really have a high pain threshold, but it really wasn't bad at all. Most of the time I couldn't feel it much.

    Carli, we definitely will have to meet up =D

    Loaf, it's alright. Probably not as exciting as Vegas, though.
  7. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
    Ahhhh! You got the Jecht symbol! ^_^

    I want my Cait Sith quote "Right or wrong, I'm still the same ole me!" & Tonberry King - bloody knife and all. hehe
  8. Polk's Avatar
    FFX fanboy approves of that tattoo.