So this happened
, 08-28-2013 at 12:48 PM (3239 Views)
It was my results day on the 15th, and I meant to make this post sooner but I got busy and then went on holiday for a week (just got back yesterday).
Results day was one of the best days of my life, legitimately. I didn't sleep the night before because I was so nervous, but it didn't dampen the day at all. I had a text from Exeter University at about 8am telling me I'd gotten in, so I knew I'd gotten at least the grades I needed, so I was obviously already well excited. Then Kris and I made our way down to the school for about 9am and met up with a few of our mates before we got our envelopes. I opened them up and there were two separate sheets, and I thought the top one was just saying all my details and shit so I just skipped to the second one, but it only had two of my results on there, which were A* and B, so I was all confused yet happy with the A*. So I sauntered up to my head of sixth form and asked her what was going on, why weren't my Performing Arts results on there and she told me to look at the top sheet again, and pointed out the other two A*s I had gotten for it.
You guys, I got 3x A*. Like, are you ****ing kidding me? [I]How??[/I]
I was just like, nope, these can't be my results, surely? But alas, they are! And then she told me I got the best results in the school. Can you ****ing believe that? I didn't. But they put up a blog post on the school website with our grades on and yeah, I got the best grades. I don't mean to brag or anything but I also kind of do because Jesus ****ing Christ, I got 3x A*.
Literally, nothing anyone could have said to me that day would've put me in a bad mood, I was just ecstatic. I still am.
I'm moving in two weeks on Sunday to Exeter, yikes! But awesome, too. Have to start packing soon, I've gotten some new sheets and bedding and we've ordered a nice new rug, I also wanna get a corkboard and some posters and a lamp and other nice stuff to go in the room, lots of pictures and all that that. I'm not gonna take me TV yet because it's big and I don't think it'll fit. I'll probably have to wait until next year if I move into a house and stuff. I've got my accommodation sorted as well, I just have to send in a picture for my Unicard and some other stuff. It's all happening really fast, I thought I had so much time left but Jesus. I'm getting excited now though. I've been absolutely terrified mostly because I'm terrible at talking to people I don't know and I've never lived in another country without any family before so obviously I'm nervous.
I was looking through some stuff on the website and all that and they have a Disney society, you guys. A Disney society. [I]I ****ing belong there.[/I]