**** me, it's nearly August
, 07-23-2013 at 07:59 PM (2042 Views)
This summer is going by waaaay too fast. Which on one hand is a good thing because I can't wait for September to roll round when I'll hopefully be moving to Exeter, but at the same time it's like, holy shit, time needs to slow down because [I]I might be moving to Exeter.[/I] And I'm not really prepared for that.
I also feel like I've wasted this summer. I waste most summers but this one feels especially wasteful. Maybe because it's like my last one as a proper kid before I move onto adult things so I probably should've savoured every second of it. I've mostly just been reading and playing games. And sleeping. Lots and lots of sleeping. We had a thunderstorm last night and it was [I]awesome.[/I] I love those, they don't happen often, and believe me last night didn't disappoint. We totally needed it as well, it's been so hot. For us Brits anyway, we're not used to this shit.
Me and me mum booked a holiday last week, we're going to Gran Canaria for a week at the end of August. Looking forward to that. Also, results day on the 15th. Definitely shitting myself. I put every ****ing ounce of my efforts into trying to get three As, and if I don't end up having them, well... Idk I'll probably just like cry in a corner or something overly dramatic. But really, though, bricking it.
I started writing a story today, Idk why. I'm not really much of a writer. But I had a really awesome dream the other night and it didn't really make much sense when I dreamt it, but I kept thinking about it throughout the days after, trying to find ways to get it to make sense and shit and then just had to start writing it down 'cause it was getting on me nerves. I only have a page written so far haha.
I read The Fault In Our Stars the other day, and I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed it. It made me cry like a little bitch. It's definitely aimed at a teenage/adult audience but I honestly think anyone could enjoy it, so I'd recommend it.
I hope you're all well.