The Joys of Electronics I
, 09-26-2012 at 08:30 AM (1203 Views)
This is probably part I of many.
So, I got my stepfather a new GPS for his birthday on Friday. He does have one but being both technophobic and unwilling to learn how to use electronics beyond the TV remote, he has managed to break both his and my mother's. Mine's the only one in the household that still works right, mostly because I never let him use it.Since he is a hard man to shop for (he never uses anything he gets because it might get "dirty", including tools and such), I figured replacing his broken unit with a new one would be a good idea.
For him, maybe. Ugh. Yes I did open it up, figuring it would take a few hours to set up, including charging the battery, fixing the settings, setting home location, etc. Yeah, not so much. First of all, the map updates were too large for the new unit's internal memory so I had to buy a microSD card at work last night. It also charges extremely slowly because I can only do it through my PC, as the manufacturers decided not to include a wall charger. Bastards. I could charge it in my car, except that I don't travel very far on a daily basis unless I have class or need to run errands.
And now for the best part. It's been so long since I got my GPS, I forgot that before you use one you have to let it lock onto the local satellites first, which can apparently take awhile. In all honesty I don't remember this part at all. So at the moment it thinks we're in Illinois and it's 7:45 in the morning. Lies.