Writing Goals 2013
, 01-02-2013 at 12:05 PM (1070 Views)
As with many people, the start of a new year means the end of some goals and the time to make new ones. I tend to break mine down by category. I don't think I finished any of my writing goals from last year but since I don't even remember what those goals were, I guess it's not that important, heh.
January Goals:
Revise Deathwalker (short story) & start sending it out
Rewrite Deathwalker 2: The Devourer (short story)
Write The Secret Life of Bards (short story)
Long Term Goals:
Finish The Chronicles of Ruin (fanfiction)
Write, revise and submit at least 12 short stories; one per month
Read at least 50 books
I think part of the reason why I never stick to these things is that I'm either too specific or I make too many goals. So I'm limiting myself to three short term and three long term goals. The short term goals will of course change as I make progress.
I do have some writing goals for TFF as well, but the only one I can really post about is that I do plan on writing blog posts more often. If there's anything you want me to talk about just let me know in the comments!