A Difficult Situation
, 04-18-2013 at 05:36 AM (1595 Views)
I thought being short-handed last night would be the worst of our problems. I was very much wrong.
So let me set the scene here for you. I was scheduled to work with certain people last night, but due to whatever, we ended up with an entirely different crew and also short one cashier after 6:00. Aggravating, but it happens.
So everyone gets there and the usual stuff going on, blah blah. Well, both myself and the shift supervisor on noticed that our coworker was behaving strangely, very much off. I mean, he's usually on the rough side with customers to begin with but it was like he was trolling for complaints. Arguing with customers over silly little things, no filter on the side comments, etc. We both thought it strange but it was busy and there was work to be done, so whatevs, just soldier on. This kid tends to be moody and actually, the running joke is that he's a werewolf, for various reasons.
Anyway so we get around to breaks. I go on mine, he goes on his, we're managing with what we've got. The shift goes on his break so it's just me and the werewolf kid up front, there's a bit of a lull. So I talk to him a little bit, just trying to suss out what's going on with him today. He's the sort who always has something bringing him down. I thought maybe he got in a fight with his girlfriend, or was brooding over the second job he quit the week before. Something like that. Little did I know...
He's so quiet I can't hear him mumbling a few times, then just after I ring out a customer, he drops this on me:
"I tried to kill myself yesterday."
Um...wtf. Ok, so I've dealt with emo people before (I went to high school too), but this...I have no experience with this. Totally out of my depth.
I tell him the usual stuff you're supposed to tell suicidal people. I'm here if you need to talk, what's going on in your life, that sort of thing. It's made rather difficult because he's a newer employee so I know a little bit about hobbies and such but I don't know anything about his, shall we say, life situation. I think I met his girlfriend once, that's about it. I think this might actually be why he told me, because I don't know him all that well. I can't say for sure. He did say a few minutes later he shouldn't have told me, so it wasn't intentional or anything. I'm that kind of person, sort of. I know everything that goes on in the store because people always talk to me about things. Most of the time whatever I hear goes no farther, except maybe to one coworker I vent to occasionally.
But even I know this can't lie as is. I mean, I would never effing forgive myself if I told no one and his face was on the morning news. So I text said coworker to ask advice as soon as I can get away from the front, she's a shift and we've been working together for over a decade, so I trust what she has to say. Not that I don't trust the shift who's actually there, he's just traditionally not someone you bring higher level stuff to.
I don't tell her his name but she knows. I mean, it's the worst kept secret in the store that this kid is really depressed and apparently has no home support or something. So she tells me to tell my boss, because well, what else do you do? She also tells the shift who's on so he can help me handle this matter of extreme sensitivity and importance.
Boss doesn't answer and I'm needed back up front, so the shift tries to call my boss. His wife tells him that the boss is at hockey (he's a coach) and did not bring his cell phone with him. Awesome. So he's unreachable. We try another shift who is much better equipped to handle the situation but she's asleep because she has to be at the store at like 5 a.m. for the weekly delivery. This whole time I'm trying to both stay up front and work this problem out without alerting coworker, because who knows wtf he'll do, right? The shift also texts one of our other coworkers who is a good friend of suicidal friend to basically get her to talk to him asap and do whatever she can to get his spirits up.
Finally bossman calls the store, I have to direct him to the shift cause I'm main cashier atm and it's busy. So the shift gives him the story and...that's about as far as it goes since it's the end of the shift. I don't know what happens from there.
Very stressful, very upsetting situation all around. My hands were shaking, and I'm not even particularly emotional most of the time. I have no idea what I'm going to walk into on my shift today. Suicidal kid is scheduled to be at work this morning. I can only hope that we can get him the help he needs.
But damn, suicide intervention is not what I expected to be doing yesterday. What is this I don't even--what do you effing do in that position? Ugh. My head hurts. This is a terrible week.