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Tomb Raider

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So I bought Tomb Raider on Tuesday.

It's good.

I've actually never played any of the previous games. Yeah, I know. Up until a few years ago aside from Zelda I rarely played anything that wasn't an RPG. No particular reason, most of them just didn't seem to appeal to me. That all changed with Assassin's Creed and since then I've been expanding out more into the action/adventure genre.

So back to the subject at hand here. It's quite fun and while some sections are challenging, I've yet to come across anything rage-quit inducing. Haven't finished out the story yet, currently I'm in Shantytown, right after the helicopter. I decided to go back and do some collecting before I advanced, which I'm almost done with. I dislike the Mountain Village area, it's really annoying to navigate. I've got two GPS caches marked on my map, I can stand on top of where the markers are but...I can't for the life of me actually find the damn things. Grr. Yes I do have the Orienteering skill, which makes things way easier to find but for whatever reason they still aren't showing up. Sigh. I'll probably continue on with the story and then go back again later. I know you can do so after you finish the story, I just like taking a break sometimes, especially when I don't have a lot of time to play.

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  1. Dawezy's Avatar
    Got it through Steam? was a few extra bits of DLC with it on the "Survival Edition" ... I'll admit I was tempted to throw some money at it, but during that pre-order period they had going there were no discounts at all so I didn't bother.. (or if there was a discount I didn't notice it, probably due to my drinking.)

    Kinda funny though, long while back during one of Steams seasonal sales I snagged a Square-Enix pack which got me like 3 Tomb Raider games.. I'm not specifically a fan of the series but all those years back on the PS1 when it was first released, dude it was hard - good challenge, dem blocky graphics <3
  2. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Nah, PS3. I highly doubt my system could play anything from this decade. XD