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Tokyo Jungle Tips and Observations

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Just some random stuff I've run across.

The easiest way to collect the archives is to unlock the horse as quickly as possible. Why? Because it's large and extremely fast. You can travel to any area in minutes if you've got the paths down. You can also outrun pretty much anything quite easily. It's not difficult at all to collect all three archives then sacrifice yourself to get the next story episode in less than five minutes. Or keep playing if you wish, I'm just impatient.

Speaking of, the story episodes definitely put more of an emphasis on the environmental gameplay elements like sneaking and ambushing. So do some of the animal unlock challenges in survival mode.

When playing survival mode, decide if you're going to take the animal unlock challenge first. Maybe I just suck at it but be prepared to sacrifice yourself if it's a battle or territory challenge.

This is usually what I do, particularly with the later challenges that require you to breed two or more generations to access it: first, check to see what the goals are and what you need to do to unlock an animal. On the ones that require multiple generations, I don't even bother ranking up, I just mark the Shibuya Station territory and claim a desperate mate so I can get that out of the way. Then go for the stat bonuses from completing challenges. The goal is to unlock the 'Boss' challenge within 22-24 years so you have enough time to actually complete it. Yes, they are all on time limits.

Take your time with the second mate; make sure you're up to boss rank and marking as much territory as you can in your travels to maximize your chances of getting a prime mate. There are two huge advantages to having a prime for a mate: first, greater chance of passing stat boosts to the next generation. Second, larger litters, aka extra lives/cannon fodder. Then when you do go on the offensive, pick up a mate along the way (but don't actually mate) to boost your numbers that much more.

The catch the boss challenges are by far the easiest; just chase the target animal into a dead end and lunge into it when it turns to come back the other way.

The battle challenges are annoying because the game tends to up the difficulty with numbers, hence the need for a large battle party. The boss is also pretty much always at the end of whatever area it's lurking in. Be careful and try to take down as many minions as you can safely via ambush.

The territory stealing challenges are, imo, by far the hardest. Again, numbers are a concern and you don't have just one target, you have to mark all four spots before you get killed. Depending on which area this takes place in, it can be easy or very, very hard. It also depends on the animal. So far boars and cheetahs have been the most difficult for me. Be very cautious, hide whenever possible and ambush whenever you get the chance. And don't be afraid to run, sometimes for long distances. Still faster than redoing the whole challenge, after all.

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  1. Martin's Avatar
    All good tactics. I've 100%ed it so if I may impart some of my inherited wisdom..

    If you want all the trophies for this game, you better finish the story. I won't spoil it but certain animals become available that have significantly higher stat boosts than the unlockable ones. I'd suggest saving your survival points to buy them, as they are easily the most expensive animals in the game.

    As far as completing the challenges go, don't be afraid to see what they are and restart straight away. Some sets are downright ridiculous (such as reclaiming bear territory and then having to go to somewhere like Yoyogi Park which is nearly always polluted and filled with nasties) and some are very easy. It's all about finding a random set that suits the way you play.

    As far as breeding goes, I'd say mark every area you go in, regardless of whether you intend to breed or not. Once you're 50-60 years in and toxicity is your main threat to survival, having the ability to sleep at nests can be a real lifesaver as they reduce your toxic level to 0.

    Don't forget to dress up for those all important stat boosts.

    I personally don't like the horse much - it's quick yes, but cumbersome. I found your stock Gazelle and Sika Deer to be far more efficient grazers and I survive a lot longer using them but again, it's down to gaming style. I've struggled to get past 20 years with the bear and yet done 106 with the Pomeranian so

    Fun game.
  2. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Comes down to playing style, I guess. I only use the horse for collecting the archives because it's got max speed. Although I did make it to 89 years with the zebra, of all things. Reached about the same with the panther, then ran out of food/got eaten by dinosaurs. I find when I'm not really making a serious effort at reaching 100, I seem to do better. I never expected to survive the lion challenge with my panther, which was really why I kept going lol. Screwed myself over getting stuck in the park, though. Otherwise I probably would have been fine.

    I'm slowly working my way through the story. I tend to rotate what I'm doing so when I get stuck on one thing, I just do something else for awhile. Lions are annoying to play as so I might switch back to grazers and see if I can't make it through the asshole hippos with my buffalo lol.