Ports in a Storm - apps everyone should have
, 10-29-2012 at 05:38 AM (29609 Views)
If you have a smartphone, you have a very powerful tool for handling hazardous situations like Hurricane Sandy. The weather here isn't bad yet, rain and some wind, which has been getting stronger in the 90 minutes since I woke up. However, it's pretty obvious that it's a matter of when, not if, the power will go out. I am making sure my phone is fully charged and equipped to take full advantage of its utility. Here are some apps I have that I think everyone else should too.
Flashlight app - Well this is useful in general, but moreso in dangerous situations. Because chances are, you don't have a flashlight right next to you at all times, but you do have your phone. I admit I like the app I'm using mainly because the sound effects remind me of Iron Man, lol.
First Aid app - The Red Cross has an official one that is super handy. Don't know how to handle something? Boom, answers right at hand for disasters, medical emergencies, etc.
NOAA Weather app - There is an unofficial one of these and it'll give you the latest weather data, including warnings and detailed information.
Optional: You get hurricane tracking apps but chances are if you're in the path of one, you know it. There is however a hurricane app you can get that will tell people where you are, in case you are trapped or injured or what-have-you. I don't have this one yet simply because it doesn't seem to be as fast as just texting someone.
On that note, when you do lose power, text messages are more likely to get through because they are packet based and use less battery power, so avoid phone calls unless absolutely necessary.