Cookie of the Week: Lemon Sugar Cookies
, 09-12-2012 at 10:03 AM (1380 Views)
So this is something I started doing recently. Originally I took bread baking up as a hobby but unfortunately, it does require more time than I have available, even if most of it is unattended. So I shifted my focus a little to something much faster: cookies! Once a week for the past three weeks I've picked a recipe, made up a batch and brought most of them into work. This way I know they'll get someone other than myself.
The first week I did it, the recipe was for Chocolate Pumpkin Spice Kiss cookies. Last week it was Cherry Cookies, made with an entire jar of maraschino cherries.
Today it's lemon sugar cookies, because the weather is still hot and they sounded light and refreshing.Good with tea, hot or iced. They're still cooling, but of course I already tried one. The lemon flavor isn't as strong as I expected, but I think that's my taste buds malfunctioning. I eat so much crappy processed food I have a hard time tasting the more subtle, light flavors that come from all natural ingredients.
If anyone has some neat recipes they want to share, by all means! I'm particularly looking for non-traditional flavors, as you can probably tell. My reasoning? Because everyone makes things like chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, etc. I prefer to explore other cookie dimensions. Generally I pick a flavor or an ingredient that sounds good and Google for recipes using it.