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PAX East 2013

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Oh man, what a weekend. I am so tired right now lol. PAX is crazy fun but it takes about a week to recharge afterward haha.

So this year I went with not one but two of my oldest friends, let's call them K and E. Last year was just two of us, but I am slowly convincing people to join.

Friday, we went to three panels. We were going to go to four but K was on call and got paged so we were somewhat delayed leaving. Missed the Blizzard announcement, but it turned out to be 'lame' anyway, as E would say. So the first PAX panel we went to ended up being one of my picks, Recreating a Legend: The Talent Behind the New Lara Croft in Tomb Raider. Interesting stuff, learned a little bit about how localization works, a little bit on game design and how the different teams cooperate, how things evolve. Very neat. As a result of that panel I also got a neat little comic about the beginning of the mission, when they were just setting out on the Endurance.

After Tomb Raider it was over to the Final Fantasy PAX East Panel, which we all wanted to see. Sadly, nothing about Lightning Returns, but some interesting stuff on XIV and a bit about the new XI expansion, which really made me want to play again lol. According to SE, phase one of the work on XIV is almost done, so be on the lookout for some new announcements coming soon.

After that it was a late lunch at this awesome Mexican place called Papagaya. If you're ever in Boston and want some seriously good Mexican, go there.

Then to a panel called RPGs are Awesome. Slightly disappointed in that it was about tabletop games, which the panel description made highly ambiguous, but still cool. Entertaining still.

Aside from wandering around the Expo hall and such and K dragging us around to every raffle he could find lol, that ended up being most of the day. Back to his place, ordered some wings, went to sleep.

Day 2, sadly we again missed the first panel of the day, do JRPGs Really Still Matter? I was of course inclined toward yes, just thought it would be interesting to see an industry opinion. Apparently boys need way more sleep than I do. So more wandering around the Expo hall, checking out all the awesome. Then I went to one of the game journalism panels about why would you want to be one, which was cool. Mostly the panelists sharing stories and telling you what not to do, stuff like that.

More snacks, then the Nvidia panel, got to take a look at Project Shield, Nvidia's handheld system. Looks pretty awesome actually. But makes me disappointed that I simply can't maintain a gaming PC. That's why I have consoles, man. This computer can barely handle Dota 2.

Anyway, after that dinner was at a place called Fire + Ice. It's an improvisational grill. Basically you get a bowl, pile whatever random stuff you want in it, added sauce, bring it to this huge round grill and the chefs cook it right there in front of you. Pretty cool to watch, and you occasionally get a bit from someone else's food lol.

And back to the apartment. E let me try playing a bit of some random Toho games, basically insane arcade shooters. I didn't fail as hard as I thought but man, I feel like I would get extremely frustrated if I played it for any length of time.

Sunday, winding things down a bit. Went to The Future of Playing a Role in Videogame RPGs, which was basically talking about, well, where things are going, both with technology and what developers are moving toward with AI, game design, that sort of thing. Really interesting stuff. Didn't manage to sneak any hints out of the BioWare guy sadly, lol.

Then OC ReMix, them showing off their new site, which will be launching soon. Yes it's coming! Peeks at some upcoming albums, always cool. A live performance, also cool. And then a Shaq-Fu tournament for prizes, lol. Oh man, that was crazy haha.

Some more Expo wanderings, some shopping (final day of a con is the best day to buy anything, no one wants to lug their merchandise around so it all goes on sale) and that more or less wrapped it up for us. Came home and conked out, now here I am lol. I'll probably upload some pics later, maybe. If I feel like it.

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  1. Rocky's Avatar
    Sounds like a fun time! Any advice or things I should look out for? I may be visiting PAX Prime. What are some things I should check out, what should I buy, hypothetically if I'm looking to hook up with cosplay girls what are some general tips for that etc
  2. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Let's see..well, get the Guidebook app. It's phenomenally useful. Lets you make a schedule for panels, there's a built in map and you get the PAX_Lines Twitter feed and all kinds of other things.

    Plan your panels early, like before you get there. You want to be in line 30-45 minutes before the panel starts to make sure you get in. So you won't really be able to go to ones that are scheduled back to back unless they're in the same place or you leave the first one early. Also plan to be queuing for a looong time for the really popular things, like Assassin's Creed stuff for example. Bring a handheld or something lol.

    Free shit! Tons of raffles and such. Arrive 10 minutes before the starting time of any raffles--they often start early and if you're not close enough you won't even hear them calling numbers or whatever. And on that note, bring some sort of bag. If I get around to it I'll post a picture of all my 'swag' so you get an idea of it.

    As for what to buy, well that depends on what you want to buy. Used games tend to be from local places and are overpriced accordingly. You can find a lot of interesting game-related and PAX-related things though, shirts and such. If you see something you want and don't mind playing chicken, on the last day of the con a lot of things go on sale. Get there early. Most places do take credit but cash is always handy to have.

    Aside from that, just the usual rules of being in large crowds. Don't leave your stuff unattended, don't stop in traffic, etc. Oh! Wear really comfy shoes. You will be doing a ton of walking.

    I can't help you much with hookups lol, but I will note that cosplayers tend not to mind if you want to take their picture and such. A fun game to see how in-character an assassin is: run up behind them and yell "assassino!" and see if they run away lol.
  3. loaf's Avatar
    All Blizzard announced was a Magic the Gathering game for Blizzard. Pretty much I'm assuming everyone was hoping for a Project Titan unveiling. I really want to go the PAX in Seattle, hang out with a couple internet friends.
  4. Rowan's Avatar
    Sounds as uneventful as everything else.