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Tombs, Raided

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Still working my way through Tomb Raider, very close to the end of the game now. Yes, they literally called a camp The Point of No Return, lol. Very kind of them to let me know. It's like my friend said, there's a hell of a lot more going on than what you think at first. There's kind of a fake-out in the middle where it seems like it might be close to the end and then jk, let's raise the stakes again! And then they give you a grenade launcher.

So now I'm backtracking and collecting up all the things I missed. Yes I know, I can do it afterwards, I'm mostly doing it now to upgrade weapons n' stuff. It's all fun and games until your face gets eaten by zombie samurai.

Can I just say how much I love the waypoint markers? When you put them on an item you've detected but not yet found, it doesn't just highlight that spot, it actually gets put on the item itself. That is phenomenally useful in difficult to navigate areas. Finally finished that blasted Mountain Village yesterday, gods I hate that place.

Started raiding some tombs too, finally. I was kind of expecting them to be more like the ones in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. Honestly it's a little disappointing. Realistic, but still. If I can solve it without YouTubing, it's definitely not hard. That was why I held off on them originally, actually. Thinking oh man, this is going to be so hard and take a ton of time, I better leave it for later. Had I but known. The first one took less than five minutes.

I did finally figure out a nice trick for when there are a lot of enemies. Find cover, survival instincts, headshot, boom, repeat. Especially in certain nighttime areas where it can be so hard to see anything. Until the Molotov guys show up, anyway. I hate them so much. Assholes. I set them on fire, just because I can.

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