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Ok, who hit the red button?

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Cause my phone appears to have self-destructed. Bah. It was working fine for most of yesterday, until it randomly stopped turning on, that is. Can't turn it on, can't get it to reset, nothin'. I know the battery wasn't dead so it's not that. Besides, when I plug it into the charger all I get is a blinking orange light...of DOOM!? I sure hope not.

I'm probably going to take it to the Verizon store and have it diagnosed ("It's dead, Jim.") but I may not be able to do that until tomorrow on account of some important schoolwork that needs to get done today. In the meantime, if anyone has any tips that might fix it, I'm open to suggestions. I kind of doubt anything will work, but you never know.

Oh and I did already pop the battery out and back in. Standard help desk maneuver.

I'm wondering if my battery blew up. I did notice recently my phone always seemed overly warm when I went to use it. I just figured I was accidentally leaving apps open, that does happen sometimes. Or something.

Well, whatever. Either way it pretty much sucks lol.

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  1. Yoko's Avatar
    That's really unfortunate. That happened to me once. I woke up and my phone was really hot and it wouldn't turn on. I waited for it to cool off and it worked, but not like it used to. It did it again a couple months later (After it would restart itself for no reason) but wouldn't turn on, I decided it was time for a new phone. Have you tried giving it a software update?

    What kind of phone is it?
  2. DragonHeart's Avatar
    It's an HTC Rezound with up-to-date software. Even if I wanted to I can't update it anyway, seeing as it is completely non-responsive. Up until it stopped working I haven't had more than minor issues with it, just normal little things like an app screwing up my text message notifications.