Lazy Sunday
, 04-07-2013 at 09:20 AM (1410 Views)
Ah, Sunday. The traditional day of rest. Considering that I work Tuesday-Saturday every week, tis a sorely needed one too. And since nothing really happens on Sundays, a good time to hang around and do things around the house.
Like cooking. I'm still not very experienced. I can bake fine but cooking, not so much. So today I'm "cooking" with the Crock Pot. By cooking I mean dump stuff in it, forget about it for the afternoon, then come back at dinner. Making shredded BBQ chicken and I will be making oven-baked seasoned fries on the side. Like chips only way better, because fries. Unless you're on the other side of the pond, in which case chips and fries are the same thing. Confusing. But delicious either way.
I thought about making some fancy shmancy dessert for afterwards but eh, screw it. I'm just not that ambitious right now. I'm probably just going to have lunch and laze around playing Ni no Kuni for the rest of the afternoon. Had I been more motivated, I was actually considering some sort of spiced apple cake type thing. But I don't normally make cakes, just cookies and bread. So yeah, one new thing at a time.
Anyways, if anyone else does some Crock Pot cooking, feel free to post recipes! This is actually the first time I'm actively using it to make something.