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Job Hunting, Part I

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Yes, this is long overdue, but I've finally hit my breaking point at my job. So I'm doing the logical thing and will begin hunting for a new one soon. As in, tomorrow. Today I'm doing homework and cleaning and shit so I don't have to worry about it later.

That and I should probably update my resume, which I haven't even looked at since 2008. Last time I thought about finding a 'real' job I was both depressed and put off by the fact that everyone wants a degree. I'm now in school working towards that degree, but in the meantime I can't continue as I am. So hopefully by the end of the year I'll be somewhere closer to where I want to be.

That said, I've never really done a serious job hunt before--my boss kind of hired me on the spot for my current one. Any advice, comments, whatever would be welcome.

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