It's Official
, 09-25-2012 at 09:13 AM (1528 Views)
Now that TFF's main site has been relaunched, I suppose I can now officially state that I am a content writer for the site. Not that it was any big secret or anything. Just seemed silly to say it and then have nothing to actually show for it. Two of the rotating articles on the home page are mine. But of course, if you'd read them you would know that. /shrug. Jus' sayin'.
If you have anything you would like to see more of feel free to let me know. We are hoping to launch more community-interactive and creative content to keep things shiny around here. Obviously I won't be revealing what any of them are, but I might throw a heads up out here and there.
In the meantime, don't expect to see too much on the blog this week. I do have ideas for things in the pipeline for the near future, I just have a lot of deadlines coming up in a very short period of time. Mostly class stuff. You know how it is; you do all of the assignments at the beginning of the week, thinking you'll be ahead for a change and then boom, here's some more unnecessarily long and involved projects and oh, they're all due in a week. Woo.