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And fixed.

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It turns out I suspected correctly, it was my phone's battery. So I now have a new one. A better one. An extended one. The nice Verizon guy said it would make my phone slightly more bulky. By slightly he meant twice lol. Ah, whatever. And I still have my original as a backup, kind of. It doesn't hold much of a charge but I suppose I can keep it in my car for emergency use. And there's no law that says if it's really annoying I can't get another non-extended one and keep the extended one for longer trips or what-have-you.

Either way, I'm glad it was easily solved.

And since I was at the mall, I also picked up a sweet new fall jacket. I didn't actually have a real one before now, just made do with a cardigan or a blazer depending on weather. So that's two things off my list. Yay!

Now I can get back to the important things, like playing more Tokyo Jungle. I will take your territory, asshole hippos! I swear it!

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