Even my projects have projects...
, 09-17-2012 at 03:27 PM (2438 Views)
Aka, holy crap there's a lot to do this week.
I'm trying to mitigate this issue at least a bit by front-loading my week. Hence why I haven't posted here yet. Unlike normal people, my weekends are Sunday and Monday, the two days I don't work. Yesterday was...wait, what did I do yesterday? Oh that's right, I did two homework assignments and the reading that went with that. And some work related to TFF, actually. But I'm not going to spoil that. (See, this is why having a completed tasks list is handy.)
Today was much busier and the work far more time consuming. I did three more homework assignments, including one for my dreaded Microsoft Excel class. Yes, they made an entire class out of that. No, I wouldn't have signed up for it if I knew what it was. Anyway. The other two assignments involved reading an insanely long and extremely boring chapter about things like keyboards and flash drives and what the components of a PC are. Snore. Unfortunately the way the quizzes and tests (I did one of each) are set up, you can't actually rely on your own knowledge to complete them. Because this textbook is asinine and totally irrelevant and all of the graded work is taken directly from it, verbatim.
It does have the best definition of hardware ever written, though: hardware is any part of your computer you can kick when it doesn't work properly.Ain't that the truth lol.
So, this is what I have left for the week:
Four assignments for Excel class (all due 9/30, need to get at least one done)
Final draft of sekrit TFF project, shhh...
At least one other sekrit TFF project to be researched, written and submitted
And because it's not fun enough as is, I have several other goals for the week:
Cookies! Either Wednesday or Friday.
Write one, possibly two chapters of an ongoing serial novel
Finish reading The Last Page by Anthony Huso
Write a blog post every day (hopefully with more substance than this one)
Maybe it doesn't seem like a lot, but given that I work full time, have to attend one class and still have all the normal day to day stuff like laundry to do...yeah. It's a lot.
So, what kinds of things do you have to do this week, and do you have a gameplan for getting it all done?
I do just on the grounds that almost all of this stuff has a deadline or a set time period attached to it, so it's mostly a matter of time management. And two of the assignments I completed today technically puts me slightly ahead in that class so I don't have to worry about it for the rest of the week. It's the one I have to physically attend, otherwise I probably would have used that time for something else.