Officially a snob...
, 05-31-2013 at 08:58 AM (2964 Views)
a coffee snob, that is.
Ever since I stumbled across r/coffee, I've massively upgraded my coffee experience. I have a French Press, an Aeropress, a Hario Mini Mill grinder and I've been buy locally roasted whole bean coffee.
For all that, I wasn't really noticing a difference in taste between that and the regular store brand ground stuff I used to buy.
Until this morning.
I ran out of my whole bean and haven't received my next bag yet so I figured I'd just borrow some of my mom's from next door to tide me over. Big mistake. Ugh it was awful. All I could taste was burnt. Like, it didn't even taste like coffee anymore. I still drank it for the caffeine but I did not enjoy my morning java at all.
So I am officially a coffee snob. Does that mean I have to wear a hipster hat and buy Apple products? Say it isn't so!