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Cookie of the Week: Spiced Apple Drops

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That's what I'm making today. Got my last two batches in the oven as I type, in fact. The weather has definitely turned toward autumn, which means it's chilly and the sky is kind of broody, cloudy and just glum. So I wanted to look for a cookie version of a classic comfort food, apple pie. Cause pie is messy and not as fun to bring to work.

These certainly smell delicious; they legit smell exactly like apple pie. I am making a modification to the recipe; as is, it calls for an icing made with apple cider (which is in the batter, incidentally), but as I was carousing around I noticed a similar cookie that had a cinnamon icing. That sounds pretty epic, so I'm going to use it instead.

Oh man, I am making myself so hungry right now lol.

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  1. Unknown Entity's Avatar
    That sounds so delicious, I can almost smell them all the way over here!

    Which recipe are you using? May have to give it a try. ^^
  2. DragonHeart's Avatar
    This one I got out of a magazine, but if you Google the cookie name you'll probably get one very similar to it.

    They don't taste as pie-like as I had hoped, but I think I probably could have used some apple sauce or something to intensify the apple flavor a bit. Also, I am really glad I cut down on the sugar for the frosting; it originally wanted 4 cups of powdered sugar. I cut it in half and still think it's too sweet, lol.