Cookie of the Week: Cinnamon Cookies
, 09-29-2012 at 08:59 AM (1516 Views)
Like snickerdoodles, only better. If such a thing is even possible...
Recipe here.
I haven't finished making them yet--currently on the refrigerating the dough stage. Honestly I didn't think I would actually get around to making any this week. Been pretty busy. But I took a long weekend since my brother's wedding was last nightand I figured it would be dumb to work just Saturday morning. So instead of catching up on schoolwork I'm making cookies.
Yeah, seemed like a good idea to me too. My nephew is probably coming over this afternoon so it'll be nice to have something homemade and delicious on hand for him.
And you know, then I have a reason to make extra tea, because what is a cookie without a warm beverage on such a dreary, miserable day?