Christmas Shopping: Mission Complete!
, 12-06-2012 at 12:56 PM (2558 Views)
Or as complete as it's going to get. Anyone I didn't already buy for is getting food lol. I'll probably make a ton of cookies or something to bring to work. And maybe rolls, since I can make those now.
Does anyone else do themed gifts? Like this year pretty much everyone is getting movies or tv show seasons from me. It made sense at the time, seeing as I bought my mom and stepfather a Blu-ray player. They don't even have a DVD player in their living room. The living room with a large flatscreen and surround sound. Seriously? So yeah, modern era, go! Figured I'd buy them some stuff to watch on their new player. My stepfather is getting the first seasons of Sons of Anarchy and Mad Men. My mom's getting The King's Speech and a combo of Elizabeth and Elizabeth: The Golden Age. Yes she does like regency stuff.
And then I decided to buy some movies and such for my nephew and my 5 year old cousin, since they have plenty of toys and I have better taste in animated stuff than most older adults.Got my nephew Adventure Time and my cousin is getting Entangled and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic season one.
My boss is getting a Dilbert calendar.And for my brother and his wife (yay marriage), two cookbooks to go with the mixer my mom got them as a wedding gift: The Cake Book and The Big Book of Cupcakes. Because that's what they use their mixer for.
I wish someone would buy me a fancy mixer. >_> I'm stuck with my mom's old Sunbeam Mixmaster that is older than I am, while she and my brother both have shiny Kitchen Aids. No fair! XD I can't even mix most cookie doughs in it cause the motor is so underpowered.