Blog v. Journal
, 09-14-2012 at 06:41 AM (1449 Views)
Or properly titled, why I have decided not to export my journal.
Sure, a blog can be anything, including a journal. But in my experience, the more successful blogs have two things journals lack: structure and content. Structure as in regular posts, be it daily, weekly, monthly, whatever. And content in that it's more than a daily record. In all the blogs I regularly read, generally there is a focus on a topic or a small number of topics and a platform for discussion about anything the writer has an interest in or feels is relevant. The life entries are more sidebars than feature stories. And really, why would anyone want to go back and read years of my teenage ranting? Certainly not me. But there is a link to it in my first post, if you happen to be that kind of crazy.
That is also why I have a new title, to reflect new purpose. Or at least accuracy.
So, what kinds of "stuff" will you find here? For the moment I am kind of rambling about whatever happens to strike my fancy, but believe it or not there is a method to my madness. Or something. Expect to see more on gaming, technology and other geekery in general. Being that I am an avid reader and also a writer, expect to see related posts on a fairly regular basis. And of course if there's anything in particular you want me to talk about just drop a comment at any time.