Oranges and lemons say the bells of St. Clements
, 02-11-2013 at 01:11 PM (3736 Views)
Papa Benny is retiring, the first Pope to do so in 598 years. The BBC described him as a 'filler-Pope' after John Paul II, which is sort of unkind in a truthful way - in reality His Holiness didn't do anything all that memorable, this early retirement will likely be the most memorable part of his Papacy. Hopefully this will mean that the College of Cardinals will recognise that voting for an elderly Pope is a bad idea, we'll get a young Pope - he may even be liberal enough to make some meaningful changes to help modernise the Church in a way, such as marriage for the Clergy. Is a change like that a good thing or a bad thing, though? It is believed by some that the liberalisation of the Church of England and the Church of Scotland has led to the decline in congregation. Catholicism remains strong without this liberalisation, and presumably would be left unchanged or strengthened if Priests could marry - I never considered being a Priest due to the marriage laws, but that could change.
Yesterday I watched the BBC's 1954 television film 'Nineteen Eighty-Four', it was okay. the ending of that book was always a little foggy to me, and the film didn't really help it. I just listened to a radio-play version of it on the BBC, which was just recently created and had to tune out of it. Hopefully when I find the 1984 version it will be better, because I haven't enjoyed any of the other adaptations.
I finally got hired for my first 'permanent' job last Monday, I'll be working 8 hours a week at a local small supermarket (the Co-Op, for those Brits aware of it). The pay's okay, and the hours are pretty great for a student. If I'm forced to go into independent development upon graduation then this will definitely help. A job's a job.