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Day 2571

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Seven years ago I somehow found this site. And seven years, here I still am. Well, seven years and fourteen days. But who's counting? Certainly not me.

I was a decidedly average writer back then, and I know this because my first post on this forum wasn't in the Member Lounge to say 'Hello, world', it was in the now neglected RP forum. I could stand to be more pro-active and restore the RP forum but the problem is it's not really something I can do by myself. I've taken in part in a few projects before, some in the public eye and others in the private, sheltered-away-only-visible-to-two-members-and-admins section of the forum. But everything just sort of falls apart unless you have dedication from all participants - and that's something that just doesn't happen all that often on the Internet, though to be fair the real world has a high project-failure ratio as well.

But the quality of my writing has improved since then, I completed NaNoWriMo in 2011 (or 10?), and was a regular contributor to my university magazine last year. This year has been slower with Tunisia getting in the way of a few things, and a bit of unfortunate editing on my first article of the year has made me a little bit bitter concerning the university magazine. I do hope to write something for the next issue though, if possible.

The event I'd like to write about is the same I covered last year while participating, Scottish Game Jam (#sgj13). This year I don't think I have the energy to enter as a full participant, but I already have a ticket, so I'm sure covering the event internally will be fine instead. Last year the event lasted closer to 60 hours than 48, so I very much doubt I'll be spending all my weekend there. Glasgow is freezing.

On second thoughts, I don't think I can do it. Too much work for the project. I really really don't like deadlines. Academia would be better if it wasn't for deadlines.

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