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Small update

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I haven't really posted too much these months so I'll catch you up to see where I'm at currently. On June 4th I had my graduation ceremony for tech school so I'm all done with that, yay!

Since then I've been job hunting off and on, I did get called in for an interview with something unrelated. I'm going that route because I haven't gotten any positive results with the related field I'm pursuing. I'm not abandoning the computer field or anything, I'm just trying to get out there and save up so I can move out and rent an apartment somewhere.

I got interviewed with a rep from chick-fil-a which is a nice start for me. Reason I chose that place because 1. I am interested in working there. 2. I know someone who helps runs the store and we are good friends.

I have two weeks before I find out if I get the job or not, if they even call me. Other than that I've been working out, watching movies, gaming, listening to music, and trying to get out with friends.

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