Disney, disney, and more disney!
, 12-09-2015 at 11:19 PM (6496 Views)
I haven't made a blog post in a really long time, how's it going everyone! Tonight I'm going to fill you in on the most recent event of my life which is going to Disney in the Orlando area. My friend bought season tickets which involves a primary pass and guest passes. My friend is obviously the primary pass holder and I have the guest pass.
Moving on, starting wednesday last week, my friend and I went to a winter themed mini-golf course in the disney area which required the pass, however, he forgot his gateway pass (a gateway pass is required to activate the passes that he bought) but the guy running the mini-golf place at the time allowed us entry anyway and we got to play (yay!). Halfway through the game, it rained really hard, luckily for us, we were to the point where the rest of the course was indoors. Because my friend didn't have his gateway pass on him, we couldn't do the other parks we were originally planning to go to, so we ended up just going to downtown disney.
Sunday afternoon, we went to Disney Quest. For those of you who don't know what Disney Quest is, it's an indoor place which has a bunch of arcade games you get to play for free, and there are some rides, virtual reality experiences, and there is an art studio as well as a food court (Disney is planning to remodel it for some reason unfortunately). But anyway, we went in did the virtual aladdin ride where we have to find the genie in time in order to stop jafar and we also played a bunch of arcade games.
There is this really cool tabletop one which has several light bars, and has buttons below each bar. It's like a combination of pong and simon. The idea of the game is you choose a difficulty of a game, and a song, and then the lights will come on in the bar and will go towards the person. You have to hit the button that the light is on that is going towards you, and it will bounce to the other person and they have to hit the button before it hits their side. Depending of the difficulty of the game, you will have more lights to deal with, hard mode makes you play with all light bars and you have to constantly reflect them to the other person which makes for an intense war between you and your buddy.
As for the arcade games, i did manage to break some top scores (or 5) which was a nice experience. Moving on to earlier today, my friend and I went to Hollywood Studios (formerly MGM Studios) and we went to the Path of the Jedi experience. That area is just a theater where they tell you about the history of the lightsaber and show you stuff from the 6 existing films and a trailer of the upcoming film. Next, we rode the Star Tours ride. They have recently revised it to reflect a place from the force awakens and it still has other planet systems you visit and your mission (I ended up being the rebel spy darth vader selected to be his target.)
Afterwards, we went to another star wars place where it was basically a museum full of star wars based stuff: Figures, artwork, merchandise, a gaming hall showing the disney infinity star wars stuff, actor autographed pictures, costumes, etc.
After we were done with that, it was time to leave the park and go to Epcot. We were originally planning to go to Magic Kingdom, but we heard it was blocked off, so we decided to go to Epcot instead. We noticed a lot of christmasy decorations when we have arrived. The first thing we did when we got there was eat at the china area, my friend and I got the beef noodle bowl which was really good. We spent most of the time walking around seeing things, we also went out of the park towards the disney boardwalk which was, seemingly, the only place we could get milkshakes.
We returned to the Epcot park and we had to use our passes to re-enter the park. We continued to walk around and check out the different areas of the park and we also went to see a fireworks show which started near the time of the park closing. That's about everything I've done disney wise last wednesday, sunday, and today.
I hope you enjoyed reading about my disney experiences!![]()