October events
, 10-17-2012 at 04:23 PM (3341 Views)
Time to update this blog and share whats been going on. This month had some interesting events in store for me. Here's what has been going on.
First off, I hung around in a park called Munn Park one evening and enjoyed the scenery for a bit. Later on I decided to have dinner at a restaurant called the Chop Shop. Ordered a Chopper JR burger and got a side of tater-tots. I'm texting my friend while i was out and about and he offered to swing by my place later and i took him up on his offer. I finished eating and just as I went to leave the room I was in to go back to the main part of the restaurant, I happened to notice my instructor from CST there with his wife and he was talking to one of his former students. He noticed me as I was coming out and I went to say hi to him and met his wife and his former student and the wife of the student. We sat and talked for awhile until all of us had to leave. I later headed home before the time my friend was supposed to arrive. When he arrived, we gamed for a bit and I also modded his wii for emulators and games (i'm such a nice, generous fellow). We hung out until 1:00 AM and he decided to head out and leave which was a good idea since it was really late and I headed to bed myself.
Next big thing that happened - There was an event in a central downtown area in my city called a Zombiefest. The zombiefest is basically a huge horror festival and it attracted very many people (it was PACKED). I spent the whole time wandering around the downtown area to see what there is to see. I saw people, here and there, dressed up in costume, a lot of them were generic zombie looking costumes with white face paint and others were dressed up in soldier gear. There was one person who was wearing a rather unique costume. This lady was dressed up as princess peach with a plunger through her stomach. It was quite a interesting costume out there. i later got a drink at the coffee shop there and bought a cupcake from the concession stands set up in the park. The last thing I did was chill in the dance area in the zombiefest and listened to the music playing and danced a bit. That was all that I've experienced there.
Other stuff - I recently decided to install wubi which is a windows installer for ubuntu linux that allows you to run ubuntu as a separate boot without having to get the entire iso and its mainly for testing out. I'm a linux fan myself and I decided to get it because I'm understanding linux better especially now that i'm going through a network course in my tech school.
I've also been playing the heck out of Final Fantasy IX on my PS3 making nice progress. I also got it on the emulator on my lab desk at school to play there.
I've been meeting people adding them on places like FB and getting to know them a little bit. I'm also getting to know people at the church i've been visiting and I recently been attending the bible studies being hosted on sunday nights. The group hosting the studies are having us watch a series called Does God Exist and its all in depth about the creation of the universe and the different ideas and theologies that people have on the creation of the world. It is really mind boggling and very outside of the box.
Thats about it on my part, except for one more thing, I was in charge of holding the fort for a few weeks which went fine, survived I suppose. Ok, now I'm done. Hope you enjoyed this update.