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Big news this week

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Just wanted to lie down a few major things going on. Last night I finally beat Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels (unimportant but it links into the other thing I'm about to share). Anyways, when I turned it off and got ready for bed, I said to myself: "Now that I beat The Lost Levels, I know I can finish my class." And sure enough today, my instructor was updating the progress chart and apparently I have done more than I have expected so now that I have everything checked off in the progress chart, I am now officially marked for completion and set for graduation (that chart represents where we are in the program btw).

Now that I am done, my program has an extra option where I can return as a volunteer after the remains of this current semester and I can go out on computer related jobs around the job (why not?). I will also start working on my certifications ASAP now that I have school stuff out of the way, and I will also be looking into small jobs (quick money makers) I can take just for starting out and work my way from there.

Welp, I need to end this blog and go with my mom to pick up my dad from the airport.

From your future tech guy -Sabin

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