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The new home of Journals

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One of the changes rolling out with the new version of TFF is an all new way to write your Journal! Check out the Blogs and start your own. Not only can you post your Journal entries, but also your own personal works, such as stories and art!

In the near future all Journal posts written in the Journals forum will be migrated to Blogs. I can't give you an exact date on this but it is definitely on the short list of things to get done. In the meantime, your previous Journal entries will be kept safe in the Journal Forum.

A good idea for your first Blog entry would be to link to your archived thread in the Journal Forum.

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  1. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Just out of curiosity, will the journal export to blogs be optional? As much as I love my journal, I'm not sure if I would want it to be exported into my blog. Could we perhaps have an archive option to store an old journal and just link to it from the new blog?
  2. Merlin's Avatar
    I like that idea better personally. It saves me a lot of work. I just figured I'd get a lot of requests for previous journal entries to be added to the blog system so I figured I'd throw that idea out there. Maybe I should make a poll on it. ^_^