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Digital Life

On games, gaming and life in the digital age.

  1. Almost vacation know what that means.

    Games! Lots and lots of them.

    I actually haven't really been playing many games at all lately. :/ But I'll have all kinds of free time since I took 10 days off from work, woo. (Technically only 6, just including my normal days off with it.) The question is...what to play. I have two main options, really. Go for the games I already have current playthroughs of, or start something new. 50/50 on that right now.

    I've also been having some major nostalgia attacks that make ...
    Tags: games, rpgs
  2. Assassin's Creed 3 - First Thoughts

    Yeah I know, it's been out for several days already. I only just got my copy yesterday. Not my fault. Hurricanes wreak havoc on shipping schedules.

    Anyway, hmm, I dunno. I feel like I love the concept of the game but so far the execution (heh) feels oddly flat. I played for several hours yesterday and I actually found myself getting bored at points. I've thought about it for awhile and I think it comes down to a few different things:

    Characters: Hatham (no spoilers) ...