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Digital Life

On games, gaming and life in the digital age.

  1. Overall Thoughts: Tomb Raider

    So I finished Tomb Raider last night. I feel like playing at night is the only way to get the proper ambiance is some games, lol. Anyway.

    The Story

    As we all know from the advertising everywhere, this is Lara's origin story, redefined. Shipwrecked on an island, trying to survive against an insane cult of other stranded people while trying to solve the mysteries of the island itself. She loses a lot, finds her own strength in the process and kicks some serious cultist ...
  2. Tombs, Raided

    Still working my way through Tomb Raider, very close to the end of the game now. Yes, they literally called a camp The Point of No Return, lol. Very kind of them to let me know. It's like my friend said, there's a hell of a lot more going on than what you think at first. There's kind of a fake-out in the middle where it seems like it might be close to the end and then jk, let's raise the stakes again! And then they give you a grenade launcher.

    So now I'm backtracking and collecting ...
  3. Tomb Raider

    So I bought Tomb Raider on Tuesday.

    It's good.

    I've actually never played any of the previous games. Yeah, I know. Up until a few years ago aside from Zelda I rarely played anything that wasn't an RPG. No particular reason, most of them just didn't seem to appeal to me. That all changed with Assassin's Creed and since then I've been expanding out more into the action/adventure genre.

    So back to the subject at hand here. It's quite fun and while some sections ...