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Digital Life

On games, gaming and life in the digital age.

  1. Baking Season

    The weather's turned, more or less, and fall is settling in for its relatively short stay before winter's frigid grasp. Which means it's officially the start of baking season. Not that there's ever a bad time for baking, but something about doing it when the temperatures are near 100F is just not appealing.

    And for once I'm actually excited about it, because within the past year I've discovered that I enjoy baking. So far I only do bread and cookies but hey, it's bread and cookies. ...
  2. Yep, I'm a geek.

    I was bored so I decided my phone's default sound effects weren't good enough. My text message notification is now the Mognet sound from Final Fantasy IX. And my general notification sound is the save from Final Fantasy VIII. Just because I can. And the victory fanfare is so cliche now.

    I am kind of sad though--you can find some sound effects from VII and VIII, but for some reason finding them for any other game is pretty much a crapshoot. Bad enough I had to rip the audio for ...
  3. Busy Weekend no new content this weekend, sorry guys.

    In the meantime, I have a question for you.

    Do you read blogs regularly? If so, which ones? If not, why not?

    Here are a few of my favorites:

    Making Light
    Pat's Fantasy Hotlist

    That should keep you busy for awhile. Feel free to discuss further in the comments!