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Digital Life

On games, gaming and life in the digital age.

  1. Job Hunting, Part II - A Note on Resumes

    Even if you're happy at your job (and especially if you aren't), you should keep an updated resume on hand. You never know what the future will hold, and you don't want to get stuck trying to rebuild your resume from scratch. Like me. I haven't updated mine in about half a decade, since the last time I considered looking for a new job. It's almost easier to just write a new one. My work experience hasn't changed, but just about everything else has.

    It probably doesn't help that I've ...
  2. Job Hunting, Part I

    Yes, this is long overdue, but I've finally hit my breaking point at my job. So I'm doing the logical thing and will begin hunting for a new one soon. As in, tomorrow. Today I'm doing homework and cleaning and shit so I don't have to worry about it later.

    That and I should probably update my resume, which I haven't even looked at since 2008. Last time I thought about finding a 'real' job I was both depressed and put off by the fact that everyone wants a degree. I'm now in school working ...