I dont have an attention span long enough to read at the moment. Right now i find myself swapping between reading League of legends strategy, playing pokemon and talking to friends. I used to be a rather large reader and i have a few books lined up but i just cant get through more than a chapter or two. My escape at the moment is competitive gaming, but internet issues prevent that. Its really the only thing that can keep me gonig for long periods of time without completely losing it. Fantasy used to be everything to me. Ive read my fair share and i miss it, i guess.
All i need is patience, my friend. Things will come in time. In the meantime, theres pokemon Time to become a known breeder ^
Pokemon cures what ails, like Loco has said. Just keep calm and CATCH ALL THE ZUBATS! Hoping everything gets better for you
Not a complete cure, but it does its fair share And hell, i found heart gold. I can finally grab my unifinished EV'd team.
Didn't you know? Pokémon cures all that ails!
As far as entertaining yourself goes, have you considered reading? You can find tons of free or cheap ebooks or if you have a local library, you have even more options in paper copies. I can probably recommend a few things if I know what kind of books you think you might be interested in. I prefer fantasy myself but it's not the only genre I read. Reading was my main escape when my parents were fighting, especially right before the divorce.
Originally Posted by LocoColt04 You can change your blog settings to alert you in the notifications tab up top when you have likes and replies. Thanks Loco. Ill check into it tonight and set it all up. I bet a large amount of people are are still getting used to it all.
You can change your blog settings to alert you in the notifications tab up top when you have likes and replies.
Originally Posted by cyanosuke That was a heavy first blog. Hope things lighten up for ya soon. Only just noticed i had a reply here. This new blog thing is dodgy :/
That was a heavy first blog. Hope things lighten up for ya soon.