Blog Comments

  1. NikkiLinkle's Avatar
    I prefer to eat cake than exercise anyday. Also you are so beautiful and I am so proud of you and your choices! Take care and good luck finding what you want to do!
  2. Halie's Avatar
    Congratulations, Loaf. :)

    Thank you, Yoko, that's very sweet of you. It is an awesome feeling! I hope things are going well for you, too :)
  3. Yoko's Avatar
    Yay for lesbians!! It's a nice feeling, isn't it?

    Congrats on everything you've done! You are growing up, and learning more about yourself as you go. Your career goals will change naturally. Just keep with the flow and follow your heart.

    I'm so happy for you!! Everything in this post is exciting!!
  4. loaf's Avatar
    I read all of this.
  5. loaf's Avatar
    They wont even remember your embarrassing moments, only you
  6. Halie's Avatar
    Haha, tbh most of the time I just sit in my flat all day too. And that's pretty much all I'll do in the summer.

    I sure hope not! But luckily I never have to see a few of the people who did see those things ever again :P
  7. loaf's Avatar
    Your life sounds way more fun than mine. I just help people over Live Chat and sit in my house all day long.

    Great read! Don't feel embarrassed, I guarantee nobody even remembers those things happenings now that they have passed.
  8. Halie's Avatar
    I gotta live with them until About June/July. Then we're done for the summer and we move into our houses in September with people we've chosen. Hopefully the next six months with them will be bearable haha.
  9. Alpha's Avatar
    Congrats on finishing your first semester. I wish you many more (mwahaha). Forget about the rugby jocks... one day their waistlines will catch up with their diet and lack of personal hygiene. They won't know what to do without rugby... and by then you'll be on Broadway or something. In the meantime keep in mind that flatting is a lot easier once you've had a chance to be choosy about who you flat with. It is always a lot of trouble to take a risk and flat with someone you don't know well.
  10. Yoko's Avatar
    Every tea is different. Every time you make a tea it's a little different from the last. Especially when you make it with the leaves and such. Mmm. Bitches should know not to steal a girls tea.

    How long would you live with these guys? I wouldn't have been able to put up with it for as long as you did. That's intense.
  11. loaf's Avatar
    My new roommates are the best!

    Now to read this wall of text cause I'm home!
  12. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Sometimes you have to be a little passive aggressive. Just a little. Call them out on their bullshit by forcing them to call you out on yours! And at least you've got one roommate you fancy, right?

    Also, don't you dare tell me that it tastes like ordinary tea because every black tea has a unique flavor. Don't you EVEN dare!
  13. Halie's Avatar
    Loaf: oh dear, that's a bit shit. At least your new roommates are working out better, I hope?

    Loco: Aye, but how do I let them know I'm annoyed without being passive aggressive? Confrontation is never my strong point haha. Tbh they're kind of intimidating, Ellen and I are small and they are huge, obnoxious rugby players.

    I mean, the tea tastes exactly like ordinary tea it's just a Welsh brand that I can't see anywhere in the shops in Exeter. But it's a Welsh brand, therefore it's awesome =D
  14. LocoColt04's Avatar
    I got through it all! And yikes, what a semester.

    Okay, so sometimes you're gonna have to bite the bullet and clean up their mess, because you really don't want to live in a pisshole like that. Sounds like your place is actually pretty nice minus the mess. If you gotta clean it up because you're sick of looking at it (or smelling it... or worse yet, tasting it in the air), make it go away but make damn sure they know how pissed off you are that you had to take care of their mess for them. I wouldn't say do anything vindictive like unstitch all of their clean underwear, but you know...

    Also, can I have some of that Welsh tea? I ****ing love tea. Seriously.
  15. loaf's Avatar
    I'm at work so I'll have to finish it tonight.

    I moved in with 4 friends one time. Ruined most of the friendship. I can't really hang out with any of them anymore.

    My current roommates I knew online for 2-3 years before doing the move.
  16. Halie's Avatar
    Lol if you get through it then well done.

    I guess it's better if you're already friends. We've tried being honest with ours, they're unfortunately just not very cooperative. >.<
  17. loaf's Avatar
    Holy crap brb with something to eat while I finish reading all of this.

    I just got new roommates and they are awesome. But I've known them for years before moving in with them. Just have to be honest with people.
  18. loaf's Avatar
    RIP kitten :C
  19. Halie's Avatar
    Thanks! :)
  20. loaf's Avatar
    Nice congrats! Having the best grades is a good feeling. I know how you feel when you think you didn't get those grades. But we are capable of doing more then we think. Congrats again!
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