Blog Comments

  1. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Yeah, my only thing with doing it myself is that, well, it takes effort. Yes, I am that...efficient.

    I have a friend who uses the MGS alert for texts. He also has the bacon pancakes song from Adventure Time as his ringtone.
  2. Xanatos's Avatar
    Certain Final Fantasy tunes are indeed hard to find unless you decide to crop them on your own using youtube videos, mp3 files and whatnot. I got a new mobile phone myself just recently, nothing impressive really, I did however put some thought into my new ringtone.

    Super Mario Bros theme was my old ringtone for quite some time, right now it's 8-bit theme from Angry Joe Show. I'm still having hard time deciding what to use for my message tone, I'm torn between MGS alert tone, Zelda (the one when you find a new item), and Final Fantasy victory fanfare. I might even go with Reaper Sound from Mass Effect.
  3. DragonHeart's Avatar
    This one I got out of a magazine, but if you Google the cookie name you'll probably get one very similar to it.

    They don't taste as pie-like as I had hoped, but I think I probably could have used some apple sauce or something to intensify the apple flavor a bit. Also, I am really glad I cut down on the sugar for the frosting; it originally wanted 4 cups of powdered sugar. I cut it in half and still think it's too sweet, lol.
  4. Unknown Entity's Avatar
    That sounds so delicious, I can almost smell them all the way over here!

    Which recipe are you using? May have to give it a try. ^^
  5. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Wow, I just realized I totally derped and left out the blog that has been a huge influence on me in the past few years: I Will Teach You to be Rich. Sounds sleazy but it's totally legit. This blog is why I'm not struggling financially despite the shitty economy and the fact that I work as a minimum wage-slave.

    Dodie, that gaming blog sounds awesome. And delicious. I know of a similar one that's about making food from book series, with a heavy bias towards fantasy novels. If I was better at cooking I would totally try some of them.
  6. Dodie16's Avatar
    A few Tumblr Blogs every now and again, mostly stuff like "Ask (enter whatever video game/cartoon character here)". Some do little bits of art to answer the questions too, which is always fun to look at. I also like Gourmet Gaming a lot! A blog about making food from various video games? Yes please! And finally, I like reading Hyperbole and a Half, because she has really interesting stories from her childhood/other years, and I like the sort of deranged-looking style to the art that she posts within her stories. She hasn't updated in ages though since she's working on a book.

    Other than those, I don't really check out too many blogs, but I'll talk a look-see at the ones you linked. The "Whatever" blog looks particularly interesting to me. *bookmarks to slay forgetfulness*
  7. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Agreed! That's why I'm not concerned with importing my journal posts into blog format.
  8. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Snickerdoodles are fantastic. And that addition sounds epic. Thanks! I think I know what I'll be making next week...
  9. LocoColt04's Avatar
    I can't see how an apple spice cookie could be bad. Snickerdoodles are amazing, so the addition of apple should be a natural success!
  10. DragonHeart's Avatar
    I've seen a few variations of apple spice cookies floating around--I'll definitely be trying one of them at some point. I wonder if I can find one that tastes like apple pie...
  11. Yoko's Avatar
    Ginger snaps are my fav! Maybe even an apple spice cookie could work too. Both are great for the fall. If you're really looking for something interesting, try cooking with Squash. The possibilities are endless. Yay for cookies!
  12. DragonHeart's Avatar
    I was lazy, I just had my mom bring all said catalogs in to work with her. If we did stuff like this I'd have been way more inclined to participate, lol.
  13. Dodie16's Avatar
    Oh fundraisers... I just bought some overpriced (and probably not very tasty...) pumpkin bread from one, and yeah, I remember having to sell stuff too. This was definitely a much more entertaining way to raise money. I bet the kids are a lot more enthusiastic about it too.
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