Blog Comments

  1. Rowan's Avatar
    You inspired me to trophy hunt again after i saw you are a whole 2 levels ahead of me. Im going back to games I already own and trying to get more trophies before I purchase anything new.
  2. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Good luck in your gaming endeavors!
  3. Michael Swayne's Avatar
    Their main problem was that it was too easy, they said. They also aren't fans of the addition of Fairy-types. Other than that, they said that they were reaching the bottom of the barrel in terms of Pokémon designs.
  4. Kurt Zisa's Avatar
    What is it that your friends didn't like about it? I think it's quite a big step up from Black and White 2, and there's never a shortage of interesting guys to catch. It's the first game where you could legitimatly catch an entire team of Dragon types, it's just a shame that there's now the Fairy type to counter them lol.
  5. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Man... Bravely Default is so good.
  6. Andromeda's Avatar
    Yeah I've read about the rhythm game in Drakengard 3. People doing it the no video way have said they've tried for hours and days without success. It's pretty rough. And it's only made even worse by the fact that near the end of the eight minutes the screen goes black and you only have the audio to clue you in. If and when I decide to try for the last two endings, just for the sake of time. I'll give the rhythm the old college try once or twice, just to see how I fair and then I'll do the video sync. At that point, I just want the story. Completing a rhythm game without any UI clues is pretty mean, especially with no mistakes and 8 minutes long.
  7. loaf's Avatar
    Don't forget to save in Dark Cloud!
  8. Rowan's Avatar
    Dark cloud is fun. I like how you can customize the town from the pieces you collect. I just hate when weapons break. in dungeons.
  9. Michael Swayne's Avatar
    I only have one sidequest left in Nier. I have give 10 Pink Moonflower seeds to someone so they can plant them in the desert. Yeah, it sounds like it will work. Anyway, it is probably the longest sidequest to complete. I am about 3/4ths of the way to the have one million gold trophy. I sold everything I don't need. Now a few more rounds through the Junk Heap for parts, and I will have enough for the trophy. I am going to save upgrading my weapons for another playthough. Since I have to give the upgrading materials to NPCs for the sidequests, it puts me back some in terms of upgrading my weapons. This new playthrough will also be when I earn the trophy for killing 100 sheep. I still haven't done that.

    And another thing I haven't done yet is catch one of every type of fish. However, I have to do that with this playthrough, because my fishing skill is at the maximum. I am going to look at a guide and see where the fish are that I haven't caught. There are actually two trophies I need in regard to fishing. One is where I have to catch a Rhizodont, and the other for catching one of everything. Other than what I have already said, I think the only other trophies left to get are beating specific bosses within a time limit and seeing Endings C and D.

    Joey and I completed Sly 2 at 100%. We earned the Platinum trophy. And now there is a 6-year-old kid with more platinum trophies than I do. I am sure there are others out there in the world, but I know one. At least for now he has more. I am playing Nier and doing these things I would not normally do in the hopes of getting the Platinum. I hope I can get it. Anyway, we started Sly 3, and it looks nice. I haven't played much of it. I told Joey that I didn't want to play. I went online and bought a copy of Sky 4. At the rate we're going, we'll need it. Joey will need something to play when we finish 3, and I can't have him playing Grand Theft Auto IV all the time. It will corrupt his mind. I am thinking about getting him Mario Kart 8 for his birthday. Well, an early birthday present. Or maybe buy it for myself, and allowing him to play it. You know, I have never actually played a Mario Kart game before. It's what I did back when my brother had his PS3. I would buy games for myself because I didn't like the games he played.

    Anyway, today we are painting. And we'll also be moving out some of the furniture. And setting up Joey's new bed. I think I'll start painting while Carma and Joey are at the grocery store. Carma asked me yesterday what foods I like, and she would buy them. I said that I wasn't a picky eater, and that whatever she buys for her and joey is good enough for me. I don't want her buying extra things, not after she's already doing so much for me.

    Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...


  10. loaf's Avatar
    mmmm. Milkshakes.
  11. Pete's Avatar
    I've been pretty underwhelmed with Thief. It could be such a good game if it were a little more polished. I think my biggest issue with it is that the guards range from Helen Keller to Sherlock Holmes in their levels of awareness. You'll have times where you can steal from guards while they practically watch you do it, and get away with it, and then you'll have times where you fire a random arrow and they're able to triangulate your location within seconds.

    And stealth is pretty clunky in first person.
  12. Michael Swayne's Avatar
    There seems to be as many Texas weather memes as Ohio ones. Here are some of my favorite Ohio weather memes.

  13. Michael Swayne's Avatar
    I haven't actually played Revelations yet. I have the Ezio Trilogy compilation game, but have only played maybe 20-30 minutes of Assassin's Creed II so far.
  14. loaf's Avatar
    I moved to Texas in July. It's rained more days here than it has been sunny, I swear.

    I thought I moved to Texas, not the Pacific North West.
  15. Kurt Zisa's Avatar
    I have tons of scratches and claw marks up my arms, so I know how you feel haha. Cat bites can be much worse though, you can get some bad brusies if they know how to chomp down.

    That reminds me of when I was carring my gf's cat inside one time and something freaked her out (there are lots of strays around) and she dug in and clawed her way out my arms, up my font and over my shoulder. I was covered in blood and had these holes in my shirt, five minutes later she brushes against my leg and is all "hey there, feed me"
  16. loaf's Avatar
    I still need to finish Revelations. Good game, but not my favourite out of the Ezio Trilogy.
  17. Kurt Zisa's Avatar
    Congratulations on reaching 500 blog posts!
  18. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Also, congratulations on the milestone! I admire your dedication.
  19. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Oh, SQEX had made an official announcement regarding the emails being sent out in error.
  20. Pete's Avatar
    I'd cancel it and order it from Amazon. They'll have plenty of copies and they'll have it on your doorstep the day it comes out. I'd put good money on it that they have the majority of the copies, and are just holding them, waiting to sell them. final fantasy x hd
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