Blog Comments

  1. Aerif's Avatar
    They wouldn't let me vote. :'( I would have totally done it.

    Yay democracy though. Even if the two party system is terrible, and there's a fair chance that the popular vote may not dictate the president.
  2. Leon's Avatar
    Voted and proud of it. First time, too.
  3. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Be safe!

    Also, 30 characters because I must.
  4. DragonHeart's Avatar
    I never understand it either. Anything you can think of, we've had it here. Except volcanoes, we don't have those. Unless Yellowstone blows, but then we're all screwed anyway. But yeah. You don't have to be a Scout to know you should always be prepared if you plan on existing in this area. Yet people still panic Every. Damn. Time. They also inexplicably forget how to drive in the snow every year. It's not rocket science.
  5. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Having been less than a hundred meters away from three different tornadoes, I can definitely share your sentiment for preparedness.

    I'll never understand why people allow themselves into a panic state.

    All the same, best of luck over there, and try to stay safe.
  6. DragonHeart's Avatar
    It's an HTC Rezound with up-to-date software. Even if I wanted to I can't update it anyway, seeing as it is completely non-responsive. Up until it stopped working I haven't had more than minor issues with it, just normal little things like an app screwing up my text message notifications.
  7. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Comes down to playing style, I guess. I only use the horse for collecting the archives because it's got max speed. Although I did make it to 89 years with the zebra, of all things. Reached about the same with the panther, then ran out of food/got eaten by dinosaurs. I find when I'm not really making a serious effort at reaching 100, I seem to do better. I never expected to survive the lion challenge with my panther, which was really why I kept going lol. Screwed myself over getting stuck in the park, though. Otherwise I probably would have been fine.

    I'm slowly working my way through the story. I tend to rotate what I'm doing so when I get stuck on one thing, I just do something else for awhile. Lions are annoying to play as so I might switch back to grazers and see if I can't make it through the asshole hippos with my buffalo lol.
  8. Martin's Avatar
    All good tactics. I've 100%ed it so if I may impart some of my inherited wisdom..

    If you want all the trophies for this game, you better finish the story. I won't spoil it but certain animals become available that have significantly higher stat boosts than the unlockable ones. I'd suggest saving your survival points to buy them, as they are easily the most expensive animals in the game.

    As far as completing the challenges go, don't be afraid to see what they are and restart straight away. Some sets are downright ridiculous (such as reclaiming bear territory and then having to go to somewhere like Yoyogi Park which is nearly always polluted and filled with nasties) and some are very easy. It's all about finding a random set that suits the way you play.

    As far as breeding goes, I'd say mark every area you go in, regardless of whether you intend to breed or not. Once you're 50-60 years in and toxicity is your main threat to survival, having the ability to sleep at nests can be a real lifesaver as they reduce your toxic level to 0.

    Don't forget to dress up for those all important stat boosts.

    I personally don't like the horse much - it's quick yes, but cumbersome. I found your stock Gazelle and Sika Deer to be far more efficient grazers and I survive a lot longer using them but again, it's down to gaming style. I've struggled to get past 20 years with the bear and yet done 106 with the Pomeranian so

    Fun game.
  9. Yoko's Avatar
    That's really unfortunate. That happened to me once. I woke up and my phone was really hot and it wouldn't turn on. I waited for it to cool off and it worked, but not like it used to. It did it again a couple months later (After it would restart itself for no reason) but wouldn't turn on, I decided it was time for a new phone. Have you tried giving it a software update?

    What kind of phone is it?
  10. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Hahaha, I wish. I don't have nearly enough time for anything these days, games included. =/
  11. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Men also know. You don't have to be a lady to understand what "that time" means.

  12. Cyanist's Avatar
    Oh durn, I thought it was Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

    Kudos on pre-Scheduling! I need to do that more often
  13. Dawezy's Avatar
    If it were mine, I'd hook that shit up to my comp and blast some music..

    That would rock the damn street dude

    (chances are all the feedback from neighbors I would get would be swearing, but anyway XD.)
  14. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Why do you think they've had this thing for five years and it's not hooked up yet? If it were mine, I'd have the damn thing hooked up in an hour. But I also wouldn't have bought a shitty Walmart special. /shrug.
  15. Lacquer Head's Avatar
    Just do what I do if it takes more than 5 minutes, say it's ****ed and you can't do anything for it. Check please~
  16. LocoColt04's Avatar
    I enjoy baking cookies as well. Not so into cake and cupcakes, personally. Too sweet for my taste. Pies, on the other hand... that is something I honestly enjoy, though it's been a long while since I've baked. I also likereading recipes and then tweaking them to create new things.

    It's different with baking though: you have to be careful with substitution, because baking is more of a science. Cooking is much more of a freeform art, which is why I love pasta and soup so much. I do a lot of sauceless dishes that turn out really wonderful.
  17. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Yeah, it's very much a work in progress. I think the fact that I grew up mostly unsupervised and with little discipline beyond behavior really stunted my ability to prioritize and actually do what needs to be done. I used to do my homework on the bus on the way to school in the mornings as far back as elementary school. =/ Even now it's a constant battle between my natural tendency to conserve energy and my realistic needs for expending it.
  18. Dodie16's Avatar
    I remember the thread you started not long ago about this topic. I try and keep that in mind since it's a good goal to keep a person motivated. Mornings are indeed the worst though, especially when it's cold and rainy, which is what the weather is doing here now...and I'm bundled up in bed. The most productive thing I did today was write a letter and make breakfast.
  19. Mystyrion's Avatar
    I had "Hey!" the iconic sound from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time as my text tone for a really really long time.
    I've also used the Sonic sound effect of picking up a ring a lot too.
  20. LocoColt04's Avatar
    My text alert is the sound byte from when Kirby wins a minigame in Kirby's Adventure. My default ringtone is Green Greens. My custom ringtone for when work is calling is Butter Building. My voicemail tone is the sound of Kirby losing a life.

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