Blog Comments

  1. Pete's Avatar
    I was turned off from the older games where the puzzles were ragequit worthy, but I just got the grenade launcher myself and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I really have to agree with everything you've said, especially how you see Lara transform without it feeling too cliche.

    My biggest gripe with the game has much more to do with one of the patches released for it, at least for the 360. For whatever reason, the game keeps freezing up when I try to load my game. Oddly enough, it's right at the fight sequence immediately after getting the grenade launcher. Sadly, I'm holding out for a new patch because I don't want to uninstall the patch and play without being signed in... I'm a sucker for achievements!
  2. DragonHeart's Avatar
    I actually have an invite and played a few games already, thanks though. I'm working on a build for Jakiro right now actually. Using elements from the default build, a few guides I read and the games I've been watching, plus whatever I think works best for my style. I plan on using Jakiro as sort of my experimental character, learning to play using him in a support role while I figure things out.
  3. loaf's Avatar
    dota 2 has been out for quite some time. Just need an invite and if you go to Reddit it's pretty simple to get one. I used to prefer HoN over dota 2 because of the speed differences but I know more dota heroes and builds and items more then I do on HoN or League.
  4. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Well I'm on EST and I work mostly night shifts so generally if I play it's only going to be one or two matches after I get home at 10ish. I have a couple other friends who play and they're helping me out a bit too. I've already watched a bunch of games too to try and get a handle on how things work. I'm still pretty slow but according to the friend I played with last night I didn't do too badly, at least. We still lost, but not entirely due to me at least haha.
  5. Rowan's Avatar
    Not sure what time zones are like, but I just hopped into bed and its 11:30. I am on 2 weeks leave as of tomorrow so I can stay up later and we can play some practice matches against bots while I explain some stufd
  6. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Added! I have the same avy as here cause I'm lazy lol. My Steam name is Cymas.
  7. Rowan's Avatar
    I sure do. Add me on steam and ill turn you into a pro.

    My steam Name is cheeezy
    And I should have a pic of a cosplay tifa as my picture
  8. Rowan's Avatar
    Sounds as uneventful as everything else.
  9. loaf's Avatar
    All Blizzard announced was a Magic the Gathering game for Blizzard. Pretty much I'm assuming everyone was hoping for a Project Titan unveiling. I really want to go the PAX in Seattle, hang out with a couple internet friends.
  10. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Let's see..well, get the Guidebook app. It's phenomenally useful. Lets you make a schedule for panels, there's a built in map and you get the PAX_Lines Twitter feed and all kinds of other things.

    Plan your panels early, like before you get there. You want to be in line 30-45 minutes before the panel starts to make sure you get in. So you won't really be able to go to ones that are scheduled back to back unless they're in the same place or you leave the first one early. Also plan to be queuing for a looong time for the really popular things, like Assassin's Creed stuff for example. Bring a handheld or something lol.

    Free shit! Tons of raffles and such. Arrive 10 minutes before the starting time of any raffles--they often start early and if you're not close enough you won't even hear them calling numbers or whatever. And on that note, bring some sort of bag. If I get around to it I'll post a picture of all my 'swag' so you get an idea of it.

    As for what to buy, well that depends on what you want to buy. Used games tend to be from local places and are overpriced accordingly. You can find a lot of interesting game-related and PAX-related things though, shirts and such. If you see something you want and don't mind playing chicken, on the last day of the con a lot of things go on sale. Get there early. Most places do take credit but cash is always handy to have.

    Aside from that, just the usual rules of being in large crowds. Don't leave your stuff unattended, don't stop in traffic, etc. Oh! Wear really comfy shoes. You will be doing a ton of walking.

    I can't help you much with hookups lol, but I will note that cosplayers tend not to mind if you want to take their picture and such. A fun game to see how in-character an assassin is: run up behind them and yell "assassino!" and see if they run away lol.
  11. Rocky's Avatar
    Sounds like a fun time! Any advice or things I should look out for? I may be visiting PAX Prime. What are some things I should check out, what should I buy, hypothetically if I'm looking to hook up with cosplay girls what are some general tips for that etc
  12. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Nah, PS3. I highly doubt my system could play anything from this decade. XD
  13. Dawezy's Avatar
    Got it through Steam? was a few extra bits of DLC with it on the "Survival Edition" ... I'll admit I was tempted to throw some money at it, but during that pre-order period they had going there were no discounts at all so I didn't bother.. (or if there was a discount I didn't notice it, probably due to my drinking.)

    Kinda funny though, long while back during one of Steams seasonal sales I snagged a Square-Enix pack which got me like 3 Tomb Raider games.. I'm not specifically a fan of the series but all those years back on the PS1 when it was first released, dude it was hard - good challenge, dem blocky graphics <3
  14. Michael Swayne's Avatar
    I had a cat like that once. 5am every morning, and if I wouldn't get out of bed within a minute or so he would start crying really loud. Then that would wake up the rest of the house.

    Luckily, my cats now love sleep. But after all those years with Sqwiglee, I am unable to sleep in.
  15. Yoko's Avatar
    Ooooh. I see. Then yes, you do need to step up your game. I do know a little about novel writing because I took a class on creative writing while in college. If there isn't a market for fiction, how did Harry Potter and LOTR become popular? I have a helpful book for this case (I didn't write it...I only write in RPs), but if time is an issue, then wait. I want to write a book myself but I sure as heck don't to do it now. Patience is a virtue. In the meantime write down random ideas in a note pad or journal type thing. Getting things down on paper helps. No matter how random the idea is. I hope that helps. I wish you all the best
  16. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Going at my own pace is no good if I never finish anything, though.

    I don't plan on being a full time writer since statistically it's highly improbable--fiction is not a high paying market, unfortunately. But it would be a nice supplement, and it would be kind of neat I think. I've been published a couple times, years ago, and only online. I've never finished anything longer than a short story.
  17. Yoko's Avatar
    If you did want to write novels, going at yoiur own pace is best. No matter how 'into the money' you want to be. And by that I mean you don't need to be making a tonne of money to be recognised as a good writer. Its the content. Whether not you can make a best seller, and with good content comes strategy, technique and time. Writing and artwork of this stature are two different things. Obviously. Don't get discouraged.

    I don't know what you want to get out of your writing career though. I'm just an outsider. I have seen some of your RPs. They're good. .
  18. DragonHeart's Avatar
    I don't either lol. Close race so far though. I am glad to learn that my state went to Obama. Yay!
  19. Aerif's Avatar
    Of course it's better than nothing, even if both candidates are terrible (they're not terrible, but not great) you are still under obligation to vote for the candidate least likely to muck it up.

    I don't want the Republicans to get in. I'm not even American, and I still don't want that for your country.
  20. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Better than nothing, right? At least it's a chance to have your say.

    I don't register with either party but I do seem to side mostly with Democrats, seeing as third party candidates don't have a snowball's chance. They're at least getting some of the equality things right these days.
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